Rainbows Rising

New Year, New Light - Learn a Manifestation tool to start your year

January 06, 2021 Rainbow Raaja Season 2 Episode 1
Rainbows Rising
New Year, New Light - Learn a Manifestation tool to start your year
Show Notes Transcript

A new year, a new season of Rainbows Rising.   Learn a New Years Manifestation technique to get the best of this new year.  January's topic is Light Language and Rainbow Raaja shares her journey using light language and a little bit about what Light Language is.

Check out the Lyra Rae, the woman that activated me to Light Language:

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Music Credit:
Intro -
Art of Silence by Uniq
Outro -
Tranquil Fields by Alexander Nakarada

Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License

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Welcome to Rainbows Rising Podcast. This is Rainbow Raja here. Happy New Year, everyone Happy New Year, there is nothing better than a brand new year, especially after 2020 Oh man, do we need a brand new year. So besides just kind of having those wonderful, wonderful affirmations and New Year's resolutions that we all plan on having, I recommend making some if you haven't. And for New Year's resolutions, the best thing to do to make the manifest is to recognize that those resolutions have already happened. That on some timeline, some way shape or form on a quantum level, your goals have been met, just sit with that. I want you to imagine, just go ahead and meditate into that close your eyes, feel it out? What would it feel like to have your resolution met? What what do you what kind of expression do you have on your face? What does your life look like? What emotions do you feel? How do you interact with people now that you have what you want, really project that into your heart space into your into your environment at this moment. So you can just kind of create a bubble of that goal being met. That is how you can really hone in on manifesting your resolutions for this year. Just want to get that out of the way. Because I think that's a really powerful tool to have in your arsenal is manifestation there's a lot more advanced techniques you can do. But that's a good starting point until you learn some energy work. And I I think this year, the season, I am going to go ahead and give you guys a free Reiki activation and teach you how to use Reiki. So that's coming up in season two here, as well as I'm going to be a little bit more open about my personal beliefs and some opinions I have about about those beliefs. So this month, January, I'm going to stick to having one guest on a month. This month. We are going to have nae Leni, do Saara, she will be joining us at the end of the month. So please join us for that. She is a powerful light language activator. And her art is just if you haven't taken a look, please do. It's beautiful. She does incredible sound activations. And she's been an inspiration for me feeling a lot more comfortable sharing my gifts with my clients. So I got activated to light language when I met a gal in a Shan manic class. And she and I were paired up for an activity. And she pulled open a journal and she was showing me this this light language that she had written. And I remember going as looks like scribbles. But it's cool. It's cool. She's all into these these aliens. And she talks to her spirit guides. And I was so drawn to her the whole day. And finally when I got to talk to her, she was like, Well, I was just here to meet you. I'm not coming back tomorrow by and I gave her my card and we ended up connecting and she did this, this healing on me. That was out of this world. That's the only way I can describe it. It was a theoretic and it sounded like aliens and angels and I was transported. energetically speaking, I was in a different place. My body was laying on a massage table in the middle of my living room. But man alive I was in this giant cosmic bowl floating in space. It was insane. It completely opened my eyes to the power of even what she was doing. And I was like, What is this? And she's like, Oh, don't worry, you'll be doing in a couple weeks. Okay by now. I was just here to activate you. And she did. And even though I'd taken like sound therapy and I did a fair amount of meditation and I was used to my chanting with singing bowls, I would I would do that normally. And this ext this mantra chanting that I would be doing with my singing bowls eventually turned into these much longer, these longer, more improvised segments that did not have a mantra. And they were, they felt very light and beautiful. And I felt so full of life. And I was afraid to share these with my clients at first, I started with friends and shared it with friends and kind of freaked my boyfriend out at first he was like, we're not doing this. This is this is no, we're not. And I was like, okay, sweetie. But for the most part, like, I started doing it with clients who were open to the idea. And people just really started seeing results. And the more that I trusted it, the more clients came, the more that I trusted it, the more I opened up to this energy to this connection. And I really began to see my own life shifting and taking the form of dreams that I had had. But now we're coming into this reality. And the feedback My clients were having was profound, I was used to clients being very satisfied with my services, seeing huge changes in their life. But what would take three or four sessions people were seeing in one, and it was alarming how quickly these people were going from zero to 60. You know, they were just, they'd leave, they'd call me and you know, three weeks and be like, Oh my gosh, my entire life has changed. I started this business. And now I'm doing great. And I'm going to be moving and I'd like to get another session before that happens. And it was really incredible. And I I can't help but think that there was something to this light language thing. And I played around with it. I noticed that there were some people on on YouTube doing light language. And that's when I started to notice that some of the the phrasing and the dialects and the sounds that I was making. Were also made by these other people. I didn't know other people were doing this besides the lady who activated me who also didn't know other people were doing it. And then I was doing and then there was more people doing it. And that seemed really bizarre to me that made me realize there was something much bigger going on. So for me I feel full trust having created these relationships with these specific guides that I have. And the more that I work with them, the stronger their energy comes in and the more I'm able to trust them because I know the work they're doing is light work. I have yet to have any any light language beings come through that weren't for transformational healing work or energy work, work or someone hoping to help. I've I've channeled some not so great things in my younger days. But I don't ever get that feeling even watching people online I have yet to find anyone who is channeling negative energy through light language. So I myself have come to trust these sources and I do a lot of shielding and a lot of grounding, where this expands to these Starseeds okay is this light language, you can see it as from spirit from your higher self. You can see it from these evil you know, these other galaxies, these other interdimensional collectives, like the Pleiadians. And such, what I'm noticing is that they really are activating people. They're opening people's gifts up. And they're allowing us to connect to each other on an energetic level more than we have, at least during my lifetime. And it has become a very powerful catalyst for jumpstarting your activation process. And if you've been listening to me for a time I do quite a bit of light language activation from time to time. I didn't want to make this entire podcast series of Oh, yes, let rainbow Raja work on you and do do healings do totally. Because I really want you guys to explore and to hear other people's perspectives and to recognize that there is a lot more out there than even what I have to show. Even what I have experience. And I don't know, what your guys's experience with with the healings are. But if you haven't, please go listen to some of those earlier, you know, last last season's light language activations. And listen and let me know if anything happens during your week. Or let me know in the comments below if you have listened and you saw changes or shifts happening in your life, because I would love to know and I'm sure the other listeners would like to know what your experiences as well just wanted to give a little tidbit about what is light language because I'm sure it's a little triggering for some as it was for me when I first got into it now, I I don't know how many of you out there are aware of of these subgroups and categories in the ascension I guess communities. So there's, there's these people called Star seeds. And they're pretty much there. They're literally sparks of star energy from other constellations and galaxies that are here to help with the ascension process of mankind. So they they didn't go through a whole bunch of incarnations here on this planet. They kind of you know, some of them probably did. But for the most part, a lot of them claimed they just skipped straight on over and they usually feel pretty out of place here with the the situation we're in. So Starseeds they, they were first kind of coined to start children back in the 80s. You might have heard of like indigo children, Crystal Children, rainbow children, those are star seeds. And then it evolved from there, as to including different star systems like Pleiadians and Arcturians, and Andromeda aliens and reptilians and etc, etc, there's a whole bunch of them, I'm not even going to go into them all the starseeds find these groups they resonate with. And they all came from these star systems to bring about specific types of energy work or healing or magic or abilities that were not present here until this new round I guess. And they were all kind of born within a good 3040 years of time and they were here to break down this social constructs. Indigo Children we're here to break break down all of the the old ways and to start kind of rebelling. The Crystal Children were the super sensitive creative types who started creating and expanding the arts. Also, they got coined a lot with with mental illnesses such as bipolar and schizophrenia and anxiety disorders and they were usually hit with a whole bunch of trauma because they were just so empathic they could not figure out who was safe to trust and who wasn't safe to trust because they they just would see the pure golden essence of somebody's soul and didn't see all the warning signs up until they were slaughtered, emotionally speaking, the crystal children and then the Indigo Children usually had like addiction issues because of the the, the mass amount of discordant energies all around and it is said that these rainbow children which are the current generation of children kind of coming in who are just straight up very gifted, very well aware of their abilities, their powers might even have memories of past lives and just kind of are very advanced for for children. They are said to be incarnating into pretty balanced households. I don't know if that's necessarily true. I think we all need a good amount of of trauma to activate. I'll take that one with a pinch of salt if you know what I mean. So anyway, light language is to some people a spirit language. Light language is the the core vibrational frequency of our intentions of our souls way of communicating through emotions and love and compassion. And it isn't always understood through words. And many times, it actually changes the physical body or physical molecules of three dimensional matter. So light language is more vibrational than it is communication. It is to shift it is to literally like amp up energy. So, there are different ways that people are connecting with the spirit language. And spirit language has been around since the dawn of time shamans for over hundreds of 1000s of years have been connecting with spirits and connecting through with spirit language. And now more than ever, there's a ridiculous amount of people who are capable of speaking these different dialects. And if you actually do some research as I have done, because I was super skeptical of it at first, there are dialects and even if the channeler does not know the dialect, they will you can you watch enough of these channelers, you can see this person has the same pattern and the same, you know, the same wording as the next one, oh, they must be Pleiadian or, oh my goodness, this person's definitely Lyran because there's the certain rolling of the tongue that's happening, and there are certain intonations happening there. And I noticed that there really is a difference in dialects and there are quite a few, like, like more than five, because I know I've channeled more than five different not just beings, but actual languages. And it could just be on intention basis, like oh, yes, my intention is to do this, or, I am open to receiving whatever my client needs most in this moment, whatever is for their highest and best good. And then I just receive what ever that is. And maybe it's location based or level based, based on the energetic body and the physical body. But for the most part, I'm noticing that there are multiple different dialects, there's literally 1000s of these spirit, people, entities, guides that are connecting with our planet, and our people, our species at this time. And I have a fair amount of discernment. Being that I've had some really bad things happen in my life. And I've I've met some negative entities and I've dealt with things that are not so pleasant. People and beings, both. So I'm not somebody who goes, oh my gosh, I'm gonna jump right on this starseed train. No, I was like, What is this? Why are people speaking in tongues? This is bizarre, this is really weird. And I first encountered it. So going into people's hesitancy with light language, not only does it sound weird, but people get really intellectually interactive, they really want to know what what these these beings are saying, what are they meaning what is the intention here? Now I can channel English from these these collectives these guides I work with, but most of the time, when I asked why they are doing these things, what is the message here? It is purely that the certain resonances and the tones and the sounds are meant to open up specific energy paths, passageways in our bodies to release certain blocks. Our bodies are holding a lot of water, like water is like most of our body, it's like 60% of our body. Right? So with that the specific tones are held and reverberate through our molecules to our being and anything That stuck, whether emotionally or mentally, or even physically, can be actually like vibrated out or moved along the system that it needs to move so that it can be released through our own body's natural detox system, whether that be crying, or dancing, or singing, or going to the bathroom, you know, our natural ways of detoxing, sweating. So, our body is meant to heal itself. It's made to do that people forget, you might not know. But I mean, I went through a lot of anatomy and physiology doing massage therapy. And let me tell you, the body heals itself. Doctors and healers and massage therapists and physical therapists, we have techniques that allow the body to recognize there is something wrong, so it can heal itself. And of course, medicine and seeing your doctor is super important. Please don't stop doing that. But when you bring your attention to illness, to imbalance, your ability to get well is based on your mindset. And anytime a doctor gives a patient a fatal diagnosis, they tell you to get comfortable to increase your your quality of living. And it's not because oh you're going to want to enjoy the last days of your life. It's because when you are happy when you feel content, when you are grateful for your life and for the time you have your body will naturally heal because those are very positive emotions our body can feel safe, we want to make our body feel safe so it can heal so it can return to normal diseases because we don't feel safe or comfortable in our own skin. So this light language probably provides that cocoon of safety. It can provide almost this melodic rhythm and gentleness that will soothe you into a place where your body can start to feel safe. Speaking of feeling safe, I would like to end this podcast with a blessing in light language to all of you for your year to be beneficial and safe and wonderful and may you achieve more than what you expect to this year. Okay Ciao chondrule tune. Hey, sure loco Changbai ly Himba Hema Allah Kondo handpan gyla. Goonj. Amano AMPA him moloi Angel John Bowen. Hey, hon. dzambhala Queen polluter? Nice to Wanda Hey Anna. Hey, Nepal loco. Hey, Ando homebuy in June, July, pond. Him boom board. He Tanda gone Jean JOHN Beilein. Whoa whoa hon, you're more on your pool, known John jamboree on Joe wondai co go to Anja Porto Konya Milan Janya. Hey Can John dye, more line Jane Pandya? No Queen Dean Dean de Ando toa epi tau and that a undock Bondi panda hand die to Hey Shoto Angela Patoka Hey my in Janya, mu one nun nine to one tone. Here. No one to one. ganja. Hey, Mondo, Han, ya know, Whoa, hang on you're more yawn yawn one. Yay. Hey, Gong Moya. Nyan no more Hawaii can hear him John nice condo in here. Nice. Hang on no to him, man. Hey, you know who I am? Na here sure to join tonight. Hey, cat Thandai Takata. No, nyan. Yeah. Hey, Naka, Konya. Golkonda. Hey module and John John Boto and HIPAA and Jambo and John John Boto Khan Jambo Lacan AI comm Boto and ginger Boto didn't die. He showed on your module on your da he totaled Wanda Jacaranda and JoJo him Bordeaux and and and bore ban hit Tata Tata Tata Tata toId What do I do and one John John John John Yang and Anja Tata Tata Tata Tata Tanja to toe he had to toe and tan, tan tan tan to attack con Jean Jambo to Ching jam batata he can ginger ninja bow JoJo and cha cha cha both and man and I do a panda bond or da Matta Tom baatein John dzambhala He can Jin moto one Jama a mind one by epi in PA. He can up to a point to enjoy a da da da da da da da da da man and NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, NO NO no no no no no. Hey Sha Sha Boto nahko and a BI in da da Machado and Janda who would you Anja? A mine in mind no Hawa moto. Tanto ah Aisha Houma. Amber Mbandaka Mbandaka naukova di a cuando I hate Bondi and John Doe hi in John Wanda. More Shawn via Ember no I'm born in one a boy and dime employing to handle financial Wanda in my thigh in one mangia a show one time boy Leon neon coin T John John to watch and die more. A short night thank you. Thank you for listening. And there were several, I guess. I like to think of it as guides or even past life selves. Pieces of myself. My soul team coming through, and each one of them had a message and an activation and a gift to give you. So I hope you guys really enjoyed that. And there at the very end, one of my guides was sending compassion for all of those out there who have lost someone to Coronavirus. And I want to take a moment and take a moment of silence and recognize all those across the world that have lost their life to this virus. And I want to honor their spirits, their sacrifice, and the beautiful life they had and all of those that they touched. So if you would join me here in a moment of silence to honor all the people that have passed over All righty, well, that was today's show. I just want to share with you guys a little bit about light language, why I'm sharing it. It upped my game in my healing practice up to my game in my ascension practice, my my journey and I'll go ahead and share the information for the woman who activated me down below. And probably next week, I will go ahead and start off with a light language activation to see if I can activate you guys. Give you guys a nice little activation one. That'd be nice. You guys want an activation? Yeah. Yeah, I heard that. Yeah, give it to us. Rainbow Raj. Ah, ah, yes, yes, please. Yes. Thank you. I will I will, I will do it. Next week. Look forward to light language activation so you can start to connect with your language guides. Oh, by the way, light language people can also be angels. Just so you know. Anyway, thank you guys so much for joining me today. I hope you guys liked this this opening episode. Rainbows rising where we ascend? Have a good day guys. It's me Rambo. Raja, thank you so much for listening to today's show. Did you ever notice I don't have any ads or promotional content. That's because I really want to make sure that I focus on the lessons, healing, and tips and these episodes without any distractions. While that also means I don't monetize at all. If you like the show, your support is the only form of payment I receive from producing this show. If you have a moment today, please show your support with writing the review. telling a friend about rainbows rising, making a donation, joining my Patreon or getting a private session with me. Thank you so much for the continued support and let's ascend together