Rainbows Rising
Let's Ascend Together ••• This two time Award Winning Podcast encourages overcoming challenges and adversity through consciousness practices, perception shifts and self care. A podcast of inclusivity for all belief systems, all ages and all walks of life. Rainbow Raaja, an award winning Alternative Holistic Therapist and Life Coach shares examples of her real life experience for down to earth techniques and perspective to improve your quality of life. Each month an influential guest joins Rainbow to expand on the topic and offer their insight, healing or gifts. Approach stress and struggle from the playful, introspective and conscious eyes of Rainbow Raaja as she guides listeners on a journey to ascend together.
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Rainbows Rising
Back with a Blessing - New Years Oracle Reading & Light Code
In this episode, we start the new year off with a Tarot Reading and a Shamanic Blessing for the new year.
What to expect to learn this season!
This month we are all getting attuned to Reiki and learning how to use it to heal the self.
February: Archetypes can give you a blueprint to understand how people think and the roles we all play, we can avoid setting ourselves up for disappointment.
March : Divination is a self reflection tool using symbols. Known for tarot, tea leaves, crystal gazing and more!
April : Shadow work is a way to observe your negative qualities, regrets, and self talk then use it to heal and take your power back.
🎴Tarot Credit:
The Wild Unknown : Animal Spirit by Kim Krans
Messenger Oracle by Ravynne Phelan
Rainbow Warrior Activation Deck by Justine Serebrin & Tracee Dunblazier
Earth Warriors Oracle by Alana Fairchild and Isabel Bryna
Beyond Lemuria by Izzy Ivy
The Heart of Faerie Oracle by Brian & Wendy Froud
Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom Angel Healing Cards by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
🎶Music Credit:
Intro - Condor and Eagle by Kalya Scintilla
Outro - Dancing Reflections by Chakuna Machi Asa
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Hello, hello hello and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm rainbow Raja Shah, woman and transformational coach. I teach skills to help you rise to the best version of yourself, healing trauma, having perception shifts and laughing along the way. Each month we cover a topic or modality to offer new insights, tips and healing skills to inspire you to ascend. I care about each and every one of you, which is why I have to belated holiday presents for all of you. I know some of you really want to see a live show, with YouTube being a popular medium for people to watch their favorite content creators. It's hard to beat not seeing the Live episode, which is why this season I am streaming live to twitch. Next Saturday, I want you all to join me live at 9pm Pacific Standard Time and see my whole process all my retakes and edits and spooks, even the goof ups asked me questions and connect with me in real time off. I'm so excited to meet you all and connect with you. So the second gift is our model is a send together yet. We've all been listening to the show and growing on our own. Wouldn't it be better if we all had a place to grow together? Like making friends, and meeting new inspiring teachers and develop real world relationships where you guys can actually practice these skills and talk one on one with others who are doing the same thing as you? Well, that's why I created a tear on my Patreon flora. Drumroll please. Discord community. That's right. Today is the first day I am launching this discord community be the first to join, please check out the link in the bio and Come Come and join us. Some of my podcast guests will be joining the community to talk with you and share more intimately how to do these skills that they talked about on the show. I am so excited to offer these holiday gifts to you for the new year because I'm sure you guys have some big goals set for yourselves as I do. I have big goals set for myself as well. Well, if you are new to the show, I would really love to encourage you to go back to the older episodes, go back to those old episodes and check out the skills that we have already covered. Just to get an idea of what some of those skills were. We have learned how to ground shield you psychic protection. We talked about Carmen intuitive art we talked about spirit animals angels light language twin flames, dream work, ego mother wounds, ancestral healing, inner child healing, altered states of awareness, belief systems, meeting spirit guides channeling law of attraction, gratitude, chronic illness, storytelling, manifesting Well, relationships, chanting, conscious universe, and creative writing. So many things that you can learn and apply to your life to improve the quality of your life. And this season, you're really really, really going to want to go back and learn those basics like grounding, centering, and shielding psychic protection. You really want to go back and learn those skills, how to manage your ego and how to deal with some light work how to do that inner child healing because this season, we are going to get some advanced skills going down. We are going to be learning Reiki we're going to be talking about archetypes and how to figure out what your archetype is what best form of archetype system to use. For you, we're going to talk about divination like tarot and oracle cards. We are going to talk also about trauma healing, using shadow work. I know that sounds super scary, Shadow Work, Shadow Work, ooh, well, if you've been listening to the show, you know, Shadow Work is not scary. In fact, it's really just internally reflecting on some past stuff. And being real with yourself taking responsibility for your actions, taking responsibility for CO creating things in your life, it can be really, really scary and hard to do if you don't have those foundational steps learned and honed to a habit. So please take the time to go back, go back to season one, just move through all the seasons, I know there's a lot to listen to. And I know it can be really intimidating to go do that. But if you want to get the best, the most out of this program, that's what I recommend. Obviously, I'm not your mom, do what you want, right. So I am really, really excited. For this New Year. I have some great goals set for myself, I hope you guys took some time at the beginning of the year to set down your goals. And if you haven't used some of those skills we talked about in creative writing, and sit down and come up with some new year's resolutions. Because you'll need them. Trust me, trust me because as we dive into Reiki this month, that's right. This month, we're going to just plow straight into Reiki, you're going to be learning level one, Reiki for free. That's right, tell all your friends family and all your little cohorts. You can learn Reiki level one which is self healing Reiki, for yourself for free, right here on Rainbows rising podcast. I would really love to encourage you guys to to take that time. Figure out what your New Year's resolution is, if you know, you know, because we're going to be doing a tarot card reading tonight on how you can apply Reiki to your New Year's resolution to help bring those resolutions into your reality with ease. It can be so intimidating to start new habits and to start new routines. Here I am taking a six month you know break from the podcast. And I can tell you I procrastinated starting this episode for like four days, just out of pure anxiety. So he but uh, here I am, I still got it down for the deadline. But the point is, is starting something, even something you're familiar with, maybe something you've already done can be so intimidating, which is why we're going to do a Tarot reading, we're going to understand maybe what subconscious fears are behind the curtain, we're going to have a better understanding of how you can apply the skill we're learning this month Reiki, which is a self healing tool to open up doors to move obstacles, and to help you begin to see the progress you want so much earlier in the year, so that you don't have to wait until 75% of the way through the year to see progress. We all hate when we set new year's resolutions that we never ever end up needing. So let's change that this year. This year. Let's meet those those goals by the end of this month. Let's see if we can use Reiki to meet our goals or at least see some progress on those goals by the end of this month. All right. That's my hope. So let's go ahead, we'll do the Reiki and I'm going to end today's episode with a blessing for you because I really want your year to be the most profoundly empowering year you have ever had. I want you to make leaps and bounds in your life. I want you to look back at the beginning of this year at the end of this year, and not even recognize yourself and go wow, look at all of the incredible growth I've had. Look at all the goals I've achieved and how proud Have myself I am. That is how I want you to feel by December of this year. And I'm hoping that we can give you the skills that you can begin to do that for yourself. All right. So let's go ahead. Let's start your Tarot reading, I want you guys to envision in your mind's a number between one and seven, a number between one and seven. Do you have your number? I hope you do. Because I have drawn a bunch of cards for all of you. So remember your number, write it down if you have to put in your phone. So the way this reading goes, is you've got your number that is your number, don't change it. Always go with your first instinct. As long as you're like sitting there, you're grounded, you're centered, you're tuned into yourself. So what I have done is for everybody, I have drawn one card from the wild unknown animal spirit, Oracle, and one card from the messenger Oracle. So I will link those cards and the authors down in the description so you guys can check all of the decks I use today. And I will also be making sure to have chapters, you guys can skip to your number. If you don't want to listen to everybody's reading, it's totally up to you. But also, the third card that I drew for everyone is different. They're from different decks. So some of them are from a light code deck. Some of them are from like an earth warrior deck. Some of them are from the rainbow activation Oracle deck. I have a couple from fairy decks. And I even have an angel deck card. So we will see who you get. Who you get is who you get. Just tune into that energy listen to the messages coming through. They will help you especially when you are starting to learn Reiki tune into what you need to do in order to bring those New Year's resolutions and those New Years goals into your life more Enough chatter. Let's just begin this reading all right, you number ones. Your animal spirit is tarantula. Your message is seek the lesson. And the the healing that your guides are bringing you is unique gifts. So tarantula tarantula is here to help you claim your life's purpose. Tarantulas are they're the ones that lie in wait, before attacking their prey, they don't set up a web, they're not waiting for things to come to them. They chase after the things that they want. And you've been sidetracked by maybe some kind of routine or a habit or maybe even like some some kind of idea that you have in mind for yourself. You've been so sidetracked that this is what you're supposed to do. But there's been a little voice in the back of your head that has been nagging you to do something different. Maybe it isn't what you expect. Maybe you're worried it won't make you the income that you want. But the truth is, all of your, your joy is going to be so fleeting. Until you chase your purpose until you chase pretty much chase that joy. Right? The spark the spark of joy. You have to follow your yearning. Okay. So tarantula is here to let you know that you have a purpose. It is in the back of your mind. It's that little voice that nags like, Hey, you should try and do this. And it's that thing that you're like, I don't I don't know. It's really risky. You don't have to quit your job right away. Just start making baby steps towards that goal and don't get distracted. Set a new schedule where you are dedicating time to that. If you're not in alignment With your life goal right now, if you're not already on the fast track, the best way to bring that into balance is actually creative writing. So go back to last season, listen to the whole month of creative writing, or start journaling for yourself. When you're in balance, you follow your intuition without hesitation. But when you're out of balance, you're hesitating. You're overanalyzing, you're giving a bunch of excuses, you're really more focused on worrying, and coming up with a bunch of roadblocks for yourself, then you are about problem solving. Okay, so tarantula is great. As a as a totem for you for this month. That's the kind of energy you want to tap into when you're utilizing Reiki. We'll talk more about that as the month goes on. Now the message is seek the lesson. Seek the lesson. So on this card, we have this beautiful green Wolf. This wolf is is gazing lovingly at you. It has a light at its third eye, it's helping you activate. Wolves are pack animals, right. But they also there's the quote, quote, lone wolf. And I think that you've always been a bit of an outsider. And being an outsider isn't necessarily bad. Because when you're an outsider, you get a different perspective from life than others do. And this, these lessons that you resented and maybe hated learning are also the lessons that bring unique gifts to you. That's, that's where we come to that light code card of unique gifts. It's really time that you look at all that you've been through all of the struggles, all you know you you've had such a such a fiery life. It is time that you look at all that passion. And maybe even the pain, maybe the anger that you still carry and find the lessons and those and you can do that utilizing Reiki this month. Okay. So we're going to move on to number two. All right, number two, your animal is the lizard. Your message is observe in silence. And your your healing spirit is actually the animal flame. So we're talking connecting with animal spirits you've got, you've got three animals in those readings. You've got the entire animal realm in the rainbow activation, tarot deck. So let's let's start with lizard. A lot of people really underestimate the power that comes from working with Lizard. Lizard is a dreamer. They lay in the sun, they absorb energy through their skin. And they get ready to dream a new world into existence. So lizards manifest through daydreaming, lizards, manifest their food, they manifest their new form, just through lazing about on a rock getting stoned. Some might say you would think that that would not be helpful at all. But when we dream as we talked about in dream work, you have an incredible amount of power in the astral plane to change things in real life. So start working with dream work utilizing Reiki so the next the next skill here is observing in silence. I'm seeing I'm seeing this fox staring lovingly achoo encouraging you to sit under this beautiful Auburn tree and meditate with it. Foxes are they are keepers to gateways to other realms. A lot of times they're associated with theories, a lot of times they're associated with leading people into the quote unquote underworld. But when I talk about the underworld as a shaman, or SHA, a woman, I'm talking about the lower world, which we talked about in one of the other seasons. Lower world is where we meet our spirit guides, not just any spirit guides, just your power animals and the animal spirits. Sometimes fairy spirits to some of them lived down there. But for the most part, animal spirits, and your ancestors all lived down there in the lower world. So you're being encouraged to take a leap of faith, use that astral traveling ability of yours, use that observation, use your connection with the animal kingdom, and go work with these animals in lower world. And you can go ahead and go back to the journey to lower world and one of those earlier seasons, I actually do a whole lower world journey, you can just listen to that and go meet some spirit guide, you know your animal totems, and work with them in the lower world. And you can utilize Reiki to heal the animals in the in the lower world, you can utilize Reiki, to connect with them on a deeper level where they start to traverse from the astral plane from that dreaming plane into your physical reality. And that's a more advanced Reiki technique. But I know that you have the skill to learn how to apply it to those things. And the animals can teach you. So just trust in them, try those journeys into the lower world. Talk with them, they will show you how to do that. And this is something that you you shouldn't be doing because this is going to become a really important skill for you. Okay, we're going to go ahead and move on to reading number three. All right, Number three's. Are you ready? Are you are you just bouncing in anticipation? Well, your animal is rabbit. I know that may seem not the most optimal. But guess what? Rabbit is a very powerful healing Totem. So rabbit teaches us that fear can protect us. And it can also set us up for self sabotage. Right. Rabbit is a teacher of anticipation and patience. Rabbit is a totem that connects us with family and rabbit is it's a powerful Totem. It's a powerful Totem. In, in community to because rabbits they have their little boroughs and they have a full full community that they can tap into. When rabid people are at their best. They're great listeners. They're compassionate. And they really have an ability to see problems before they occur. But when you are out of balance rabbit people, you talk very fast, you talk a lot. And you end up repeating yourself over and over and over again. I must be a rabbit person. I have a rabbit. So I know that I have a lot of rabbit in me as well. But the great thing is, is that your message is that you belong. Know you belong. You need to know in your heart that no matter how how much you're talking, or maybe you're extra energy, or sometimes even being too shy or too aggressive. Sometimes those things can push people away. Maybe you might feel like you don't fit in. You have a lot of fear and a lot of anxiety makes it really hard to socialize with all that social anxiety, know that you fit in, know that you are in the right place. That no matter what people are, are thinking that you are normal compared to everybody. Right? Know that you belong know that you have a place to belong. I mean, look, you found me You belong here, you belong with us, right? So your guide, your guide that came through is actually a goddess guide. It's the circle cross of to none, which is a rare intersection of heaven and earth. And this totem, this goddess totem is really about that ability to find the middle ground, find that balance between your intuition like being really connected to source, but also being grounded. Maybe you have heightened senses. Maybe you're a little too empathic, maybe you get a lot of information channeled through you. And that is what causes you to talk so fast. Maybe that's why you have so many racing thoughts. Maybe that's why people don't understand you is because you are channeling their thoughts, their feelings, there guides, whatever, it can be so hard. And it can cause a lot of fear. Because a lot of information that's coming from outside sources, if you're not aware that you are channeling information from other people, or from their guides, it will literally confuse your nervous system. Because the feelings won't match your situation logically. Your brain will try and make sense of a bunch of emotions that are misplaced, your brain will try and make sense of a bunch of voices that are not yours, your brain will try and make sense of information that it never absorbed. And suddenly, it has and that can drive anyone insane. I know. Because I've experienced that. So the power of this of this particular totem, and I will take the time to actually read you the excerpt from this from this card because it gives a healing ritual is learning that balance. And I think working with rabbit is going to help you and finding that community meal really consider that discord community where you can talk with other people, hear their stories, and connect with people who can really understand you and accept you for who you are. You know, we all everybody here on the show, everybody listening, we all have gifts, we have these abilities that are that were so hard to explain, which is why I'm here trying to help people make sense of those things. You are not alone. And we would love to make you feel more at home in your own skin. Okay, so let me go ahead. I'm gonna read you that excerpt real quick. So your healing practice. Um, for this card that you can use with Reiki I encourage you to use with Reiki and we will be learning how to do this later. But just know you This is how you do it, you are being asked to make a cross with two circles intersecting it so imagine almost like a medicine wheel with a target. So you have a cross with a target. So you have two rings, where they cross in the middle. You have to make this with crystals or ropes or scarves. Use candles drawn on paper, make some art, okay. You may even want to dance your circle, cross or sing it. And you can use Reiki to connect your energy to this crossing. This is going to help you have being connected to your spirit guides and being connected to the earth. So you want to start to envision yourself and start to utilize the energy work. We're learning this month in a way that you can bring that energy deeper into yourself into this physical plane. Okay. All right, number fours. Were onto you. Were onto you. Number fours, your animal. Your animal is dragonfly. Oh, I'm so excited for this reading. Because your message is Trust in magic, trust in magic, and your fairy guide. Your fairy guide is the gift. So let's go ahead and talk about Dragon Fly, and how this card can help you better connect with your goals for this year and how you can manifest those goals into reality for yourself, right. So Dragonfly is a little bit about illusions a little bit about creativity. It really does help to understand how we we use our minds, to create illusions disillusions and even to create create. Because sometimes we need illusions, and disillusions to create art or music. And I think that you utilize your own inner stories, your own inner dialogue, to do whatever your art form is, you like to create these scenarios, and these these little plays in your mind, whether it be a scene, or whether it be characters or whatever it may be. You utilize those skills to create for yourself. And that's not just an art, because it seems you have really strong ties with magic. And maybe that magic scares you. Because every time you do connect with it, it creates disillusionment, it creates, creates a lot of chaos in your life. Because when you are not grounded, when you are not aligned. You end up straying from your goals, it's really important to have focus, Dragonfly is all about learning mental focus, in order to create these realities. You're being asked to trust in magic to trust in your own magic to trust in the magic that exists all around you all the time. And how can you do that, if you are constantly worried that you're being tricked or fooled or that what you are experiencing is fake, or it's maybe just some some psychotic episode that is manifesting itself. You know, dragonfly really does connect us with a lot of people who have very active imaginations, but also might have some mental health concerns for themselves. And as much as I really encourage you to continue whatever mental health, self care regimen you have with whatever providers you do, please do not stop seeing your your medical providers. I also encourage you to consider the fact that if you're experiencing something, it must exist on some level, because it's existing for you. And your experience is all that matters, you're not living to to create a you're not you're not living for another person, you're not living for your mom or your dad or your partner. And if certain aspects of these experiences are positive for you. Focus on those positives. Do whatever steps you need to do to feel safe. Go back to that psychic protection episode or talking about psychic protection. Or maybe even tune into that the discord and ask ask round asked me how you can do better psychic protection. Okay, because really, when when Dragonfly is at its best, it is the master of light illusion in the mind. So when you're imbalanced, you see clear Lee you are joyful and magical and a sight to behold. When you're out of balance, you can't concentrate. You have a busy mind. And you probably feel like you're going a little nuts. So start some breathing techniques which we will be covering in Reiki we're going to be learning some really incredible breathing techniques that are going to help you focus your mind. And you know of course you have these other resources available to get you ready as well. I encourage you to check those out. And this gift, this gift card is talking about that when you do trust. When you trust in yourself. When you trust in the magic that you carry, the greatest gift you can give to yourself truly is understanding that your experience is all that matters. Your perspective, your trust in your reality, your trust in your experience of life. That's a gift. Because suddenly nobody else has control over how you dictate your life and how you dictate your perception of yourself. And yes, get happy, get healthy. But also take back control. Don't get stuck in this illusion that you might create for yourself with that, that whatever people around, you're saying, trust in that magic that you bring to people find the right people to share them with. Because trust me, if you've got the gift, and trust and magic and dragonfly coming in, you have a lot of power over the quantum realm. And that is going to be really cool to play with when you get the hang of it. Okay. Number fives, oh, my goodness, number fives, am I excited, excited to share with you what you have your animal is whale. Your message is stay strong. And you have a light code card from beyond Lumeria. That is internal explore this card, this whole reading is going to be very exciting because you're being called to, to to explore your inner inner realms. And it's it's going to be a little scary like in this whale card. The whale, you know has the light above it. And then there's all this darkness and it's like, should I go down and explore that darkness? Or should I rise up into the light. And the truth is is you can't truly rise into the light until you've seen the contrast that is the dark you can't heal fully until you go into those deep dark places in yourself and you heal whale brings really incredible healing in regards to sound work doing any kind of like chanting or any kind of singing, connecting with song, whether it's just listening to song. And Wale connects us to ancient ancient messages from old you know, like Lemuria it's funny you get the beyond la Marian deck. But you you really do you have a lot of water in this reading with the internal explorers, this little, little star seed girl who is crawling through this crack and she's underwater and she's got like sparkly stuff in her hand and a lotus flower above her. You've got the whale which is obviously an animal of water. But this third card stay strong from the message Oracle has this green dragon sitting on a tree it's really asking you to to marry the element of water and earth. stay grounded. Stay connected to the earth. You have to stay strong through this exploration because it's going to test you use Reiki to stay grounded. Use Reiki to do a little bit of that internal exploring. And it's going to be really powerful for you to see what comes up because Reiki is such a gentle healing energy that even when you go to the deepest, darkest places of yourself, it shines light in a way that doesn't disrupt your your emotional well being. So I have found Reiki to be very powerful with internal work. It's it's funny that you have this because at the very end of this season, we're covering trauma healing through shadow work and I think that month is going to be really important for you to check out so make sure you you stick through the whole season so you can get to that month Okay. We're gonna go ahead and move to number six. All right, my number sixes, my number sixes. You guys have been so patient. Thank you so much for being patient. Your animal is beaver. Your message is, we are all connected. And you got a fairy card. This fairy card is the captive man. So let's go ahead. Let's talk about these cards. We have beaver beavers, a family animal. Beaver as a provider, beavers a hard worker beaver goes, takes the trees gnaws down a tree, thumps it into the river, builds a whole house for his family. Beavers are crazy builders. They're incredible builders. Beavers work hard. And sometimes they end up becoming workaholics. Right. Beavers can work themselves to the bone. You have to remember to focus on your little family there. But the wonderful thing also about beaver is you know, when we consider the fact that we are all building a reality we want. We are all building a life we want for ourselves, we're all building the world we want to share with others and with our children with our spouses and beaver is actualizing their reality, they are creating it they are taking physical matter and building the world they want they are they are the ones that are the just do it. People. And the funny thing is, is you are creating the connections for everyone. So you are connecting everyone's dreams. You're connecting everyone's goals you're connecting, everyone's met in a co created reality, you're helping to build everyone's co created reality because you're a hard worker, you're you're you're a networker. I'm just probably some of you are and you can chuckle to yourselves. So it's important that you start to when we learn Reiki and we start to apply Reiki to our lives. That you utilize Reiki in a way that can help you make those connections. So you can start to build in this reality those co created elements for everyone, you're going to really enjoy playing with that, trust me. And this captor, captive man card is something you're going to have to utilize Reiki to heal for yourself. Because you have a tendency of getting very attached. With workaholic King, you're you like to work a lot. And because of that, you get attached to your commitments. When you work with people, you get attached to those people. When you're trying to help people, you get really attached to the outcomes of those things, you're going to need to utilize Reiki to help give you some distance. So you don't become captive to your own building. You don't want to create the cage you will have to live in. You don't want to create a reality that you don't want to live in. So make sure that you are always building from a neutral place for yourself. And whatever you work towards with others to do that, remember you're building it not just for them, but you're building it for yourself. So you don't want to end up creating the cage. Creating the cage you gotta live in, right, you probably already feel a little captive being a little bit of a workaholic. So be sure to step away from that. Give yourself space, and focus on what you really want to see out of these projects and these commitments you're making for yourself and you give yourself time to relax and vacation and be with your family and connect with the people in your life. Connect with the people that you want to help before you commit. Make sure you know who you're working with before you commit. Use Reiki use discernment as we go through the month. We'll talk about all of those things and you'll pick up on on that message, okay? All right, number seven, you've been the most patient you have waited the whole reading to find out what in the heck your message is, right? So, let's go ahead your animal is the gazelle. Now, the gazelle may seem as if it's it's this prey animal, but really gazelles have such a heightened sense of awareness, and ability. And that's what makes them vulnerable. They are so aware, they're hyper aware, they're hyper able. And they are able to let people in despite that, when you are in balance, you're graceful, and perceptive and artistic. But when you're out of balance, you've got food allergies, and insomnia, and a racing mind and everything's just going haywire. You feel like you have to like go from one thing to the next year, you can't really stop and you're hopping, you know, hopping over there. And oh, my God, and oh, my God, oh, I'm sorry. I got caught up in Gizelle, chaotic energy. So to bring those things into balance, do some yin yoga, that's very slow, calm yoga, I recommend go check out the dark down dog app, down dog app, go check it out. It's free. They've got in yoga, it's an amazing app, I highly recommend it. I'm not even sponsored by them. I use them all the time I pay for it. I love it. I love it. Just go do it. Like don't even question me just go go get the app. I'm bringing the balance, yin yoga, a cozy home and good food. So just relax. Get comfortable, feel safe, stretching stretched out. So Gizelle you are hyper aware. And because of that, you probably have trouble making decisions. Sometimes. You know what the consequences of decisions are. You also you also know the benefits. And when you see those things, you see what you need to do. And you're like, Oh, I'm just I don't know which path to take. Your message is make the sacrifice we have this black dragon holding a skull in the night on top of a tree trunk. He's got a staff, he's he's making the sacrifices, he's going to go ahead and put down whatever he needs to do whatever he needs to do, he's got to put the sacrifice in. Now it's funny, I wish I could take pictures of these because you're reading came out with two different cards, you've got the make the sacrifice card from the messenger Oracle. And then you got the angel card. You got the angel card, you've got fertility and creativity. Active versus versus passive. So you are you in the active versus passive fertility and creativity. You are this beautiful woman reaching your arm out and on your arm, you have a silk scarf on your back, you've got beautiful wings. And these two cards, the angel card is so bright and colorful. You've got almost like a phoenix wings behind you and a tiny tiny black dragon on your head. That's what's so funny. You got a little tiny black dragon on your head and you're writing some kind of water horse like Kelpie or whatever off into the distance. And she is facing the person viewing the card whereas the dragon on the other card is facing away. They're both in the same pose. They both have their hand up in the exact same position. It's almost like you teeter between making a sacrifice and just you really want to create something but you don't you know you want to take the action but you're not really short. So this act active versus passive card is pretty much you trying to make a decision. Should you take the action, or should you wait? Right passive is hoping something's going to come to you, you need, you need to make the sacrifice. Doing Reiki is going to help you get more clarity, I think you really do need that clarity, you need to become more hyper aware, you're already hyper aware, but you need to become more aware of the positives long term, we're going to talk about how to use Reiki, to to in meditation in order to get that clarity that you need to feel confident in making decisions. So that's going to be really, really good for you, when you start to learn Reiki, you can start to apply it to your life, it's going to take some practice, it's going to take some patience, and it's gonna take some practice, but I really believe in you I can see very, very, very clearly that you are a capable person. And because of all of the, the mirroring in this, in this reading, I feel strongly that this is going to be a life changing sacrifice that you are going to feel so empowered by, you're going to have a lot of support. And all of those troubles that you have been dealing with here are going to be waving your buyer be like see a troubles. And that is going to really help you feel much more confident moving forward with this, but you have to take that first leap of faith. So that was everybody's readings. I hope you guys really liked it. I I felt very strongly about these readings. These were great readings. If you guys enjoyed your readings, please message me, reach out to me on Instagram or on YouTube or on Facebook or anywhere really just go look up Rainbow Raaja you'll find me go reach out to me, I want to know what you guys got in your readings. I want to hear from you. I love to hear from you. I love to read your comments. I love to read your reviews. It is absolutely my favorite thing in the whole wide world. So please, please, please take the time reach out to me. Let me know what you guys experienced. And how I did on this reading for the New Years. Now we're gonna go ahead and conclude today's episode. With that blessing. I told you guys I wanted to offer you this blessing is going to be a shamanic healing blessing, I'm going to do some, some singing, I'm going to do a little bit of flute playing and a bit of drumming. And I'll just let the episode just kind of end with that today. I really appreciate you guys tuning in today. I really, really appreciate guys doing the work coming back, week after week, and month after month, even after that giant break that I took. I'm just so grateful for all the loyal listeners out there. It has been such an incredible pleasure to do this show. And to get all of the response and win these awards that I did not expect ever in a million billion years to get for podcasting. This has been such an incredible journey and I'm so excited to continue it with you. Please keep keep coming back. Keep joining me. I love you guys so much. And I'm really excited to see what happens this season. All right. Enjoy the blessings Okay, I have some really intense codes coming through. I have never, ever had that many guides and beings hop on in. In such a short amount of time. They were going so fast. There were so many codes, I could literally see them floating in the air. It was the most intense thing. I have not done light codes like that, ever. So I hope you guys enjoyed. I was a little nervous when they started coming in that fast and I know that it might have sounded odd. So for those of you who don't know what like languages, and you were like, What in the heck was that? That sounded bizarre as heck. Go check out my light language episode. Or whole month I covered a whole month on light language. For me, it's an form of energy work. I utilize it to tap into your guys's energy, sound frequencies and light frequencies kind of go hand in hand for me. So that was my way of tuning into your body's tuning into your frequencies and helping make adjustments for Are you you know, to to get your goals met. So the work that I do, I started with Reiki and I just started doing Reiki and I did the flute. And of course, I ended here with the light language. And so the whole time I was doing everything I was I was holding Reiki space for you. Reiki is always in alignment with our body's highest functioning. So it is your homeostasis it is the energy of well being. It is the energy of life. And we will be talking more about that next week. As I go into the history of Reiki, what is Reiki? Where did it come from all the origins and I will be doing a Reiki attunement next week for you. So don't miss it. Don't miss your Reiki attunement, you're going to need it to do Reiki. So please tune in next week. for that. Thank you guys so much for receiving that being open minded and openhearted. To integrate those energies, because there was a lot coming through. Please reach out to me if you need any help, because I know that there's going to be quite a few of you that are going to be seeing some radical changes just the next few days. So if you need any assistance, please visit my link tree for a free consultation. Visit my link tree for a special discount for your first session. We can meet we can talk we can help you kind of navigate those new changes that are going to be happening for you. But it's remember, it's all based on what you see as your highest and best good what you see as your goals for your life. It is never going to cause harm. That is my intention going in. And Reiki when I you know work on anybody doing Reiki, there can be no harm done to the body to the mind to the spirit to the energy field. And we'll talk more about that and about the laws of energy next week. All right. So I hope you guys had a great time today. I'm really happy to be back and I hope you guys visit again next week, maybe even for the Twitch stream. Check out my Patreon if you're interested in monthly healing sessions or for joining the discord community to find more people that are just like you and connect with us. All right. Thank you again for ascending together. I hope you have a wonderful day.