Rainbows Rising
Let's Ascend Together ••• This two time Award Winning Podcast encourages overcoming challenges and adversity through consciousness practices, perception shifts and self care. A podcast of inclusivity for all belief systems, all ages and all walks of life. Rainbow Raaja, an award winning Alternative Holistic Therapist and Life Coach shares examples of her real life experience for down to earth techniques and perspective to improve your quality of life. Each month an influential guest joins Rainbow to expand on the topic and offer their insight, healing or gifts. Approach stress and struggle from the playful, introspective and conscious eyes of Rainbow Raaja as she guides listeners on a journey to ascend together.
∞Website: www.rainbowraaja.love
∞IG: @rainbowraaja
∞Twitter: @rainbowraaja
∞Facebook: www.facebook.com/rainbowraaja
∞Patreon: www.patreon.com/rainbowraaja
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Rainbows Rising
Where was Rainbow? I'm Back with a PSA
Where was I? I was sick... I also start my MS infusion next week, so I am finally back with an exciting Public Service Announcement. Join a Tribe! GET SOME MERCH! SECRET PODCAST!!!! WHAT?!?!
We will return to our regularly scheduled season the first week of March. Thank you for your patience.
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Join the Discord Community and find more like minded friends who are working hard to find balance in a chaotic world. Let's Ascend Together
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Hello, hello, hello and welcome back to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raaja, Shaw, woman and transformational coach. Here on Rainbows rising. We teach you skills to self regulate your emotions, manifestations, and healing journey in a fun hands on way that explores numerous metaphysical and holistic approaches. I am back. I know it has been three weeks of silence. And you all have been so patient. Some of you reached out via email and social media to make sure that I was okay. And to ask, when we were going to be covering archetypes and horoscopes, and I apologize. I am doing much better now. But at the beginning of February, I caught a really bad cold or flu or something from my daughter. And it has practically taken me the whole month to recover, I didn't have my voice, I was coughing up a lung. And I decided to make sure that your experience as a listener was at its best quality. And hold off until I was able to to talk again. So thank you so much for your patience. Now, I did come on today to let you know that I will be returning to our regular regular schedule, with March being all about archetypes. That will be the very first week of March. But next week, I'm going to still be taking a break because I have my very first multiple sclerosis infusion treatment. And I want to be able to focus my time and attention on my health. Now this is a this is a side note here, I want to emphasize that I did take the entire month off of work, aka this podcast in order to take care of my own health. And that by doing so I've been able to put some time and attention into finally reading and responding to your messages and polishing off some work projects that I have been developing for all of you listeners out there. It warms my heart to hear from listeners like you. It makes all this work worth it. When I can connect face to face. Hear your success stories of using these skills in your own life. And even working one on one with your own journey in private sessions. I love when you guys follow me on Instagram and YouTube and DM me with insights based on posts or even some some topics I bring up in the podcast episodes. And other other things that I end up doing right I just love connecting one on one with you guys in hearing all your feedback it it seriously. It makes all of this hard work worth it for me. I know that with over 15,000 downloads that all of you must be enjoying the show because you return week after week. You lend me your ears. And that is so incredible and mind boggling and amazing. And I'm filled with gratitude. So for those of you who were listening very closely, and messaged me about where is your live stream on Twitch, and YouTube? Well, I'm here to address that. You see, I have set up my stream. And I am currently streaming live this episode on Twitch as we speak Hi tweeters. But in order to get notifications for when I do go live, you must go over to Twitch and YouTube and follow my account at Rainbow Raja to get those notifications or else you will never know what I am live. And I can tell you I don't follow a schedule because I have two small children and it makes it impossible to follow a schedule so please follow because I will not be on at any specific time. So I want you guys to take a little moment right now just hop on over there, if you can. I know that there are some hardcore diehard Rainbow Warrior fans out there, and I have some incredible news for you. Okay, hold on to your seats. I have hours and hours and hours of exclusive live talks, live healings and live tarot readings with real listeners just like you that you will never hear on Rainbows rising. But each week I am uploading them to my secret podcast, secret podcast, where rainbow were Patreon Patreon is a way to show support to your favorite creators with monthly donations while also being rewarded for your support with perks, merch and more. I have a five tier reward plan on my Patreon. The first two tiers are under $10 and are mostly just support and easy listening, rainbows rising QR code, sticker thing and some live question and answer where you can come meet me live on Patreon. We can talk one on one you can ask me questions I answer your questions. And that happens once a month. However, the next tier, which is called activation is really incredible. You get early access to my book releases workshops and events and full access to my archive of countless hours of exclusive live healings, tower readings, discussions and talks. You get seasonal merch of hand illustrated activation, tarot cards and stickers, as well as access to my archive of exclusive live healings talks, Terrell and discussions. But probably one of the best perks of this $11 A month tear. That's right, only $11 A month is access to my ascending masters community. Last year, I took time to gather some of our guests from past episodes as well as some new faces and I invited them all to join me in building a member run community. We are all ascending, you are growing. And I am sure you are dying to have someone to tell your experiences to well, you can make some friends. And they will understand your struggles. And you will be on the exact same path having the exact same experiences. And they're not going to judge you because they're going to be in your same tribe. It's going to be great. I hope that you all can make some friends and connect and ask questions and dive deeper into some amazing new healing abilities. And one of the perks of this community is you will be exposed to a bunch of different professionals, healers, gurus from all over the world. And they will be hosting free webinars and talks in this community. These are well known people. We're starting with a very small community right now. But I already have a wait list of professionals who cannot wait to join this community. This is the launch right now. So there's no one in this discord. You guys will be the first ones and if you join the Patreon All right. So the most important aspect of this community is that it is a tribe of like minded individuals just like you that you can talk to you can collaborate with you can create music, you can create art, you can practice your skills with each other. You can talk about your favorite TV shows, or ask for volunteers to practice your Tarot skills on there's a Help section for people or seeking advice or services as well and a self promotion section so you're not getting spammed with a bunch of people trying to promote their services. We can really focus on you making connections with other people. And it it being a place where you can feel safe and supported. I want to build a community that is run by you while also giving you access to some really powerful healers and inspiring people Who are masters of their trade, and their communities are invited as well. So there will be incredible diversity of different skills, talents, experiences, knowledge, I am so excited to release this community and welcome you to join it. This discord community is for exploring your gifts and finding others who can relate to you, teach you and support you without being pressured to buy, or for people feeling like they constantly have to spam their content to make sales. It's not about making sales, it's about making friends. So now Now that I've explained what that whole discord has to offer, the top two tiers of my Patreon are premium tiers with limited availability. There is a sending, and enlightened and, and those include everything I've already mentioned, as well as a deeply discounted monthly membership for virtual sessions with me. With the ascending tier, you could save $25 a month on 30 minute virtual sessions. And with the Enlightened tier, you save $50 a month with 60 minute virtual healing sessions each and every month. So these two tiers also offer a merge package, which deliver custom healing tarot cards, and stickers, illustrated by yours truly, which will be delivered every three months. So let me show you some of the art that will be featured in in these packages. So if you're like oh, merge, oh, I've been working on tarot cards, and I will continue to do so. But here's some of the art that I have already done this is one of the carts is about surrender. This is water healing. We go off all into the description of what this card means with the package deal. So be sure to sign up and every single month I will be going over the cards. And some of them are digital. So I have a lot of digital art that I'm rendering as well as Canvas that will be turned into little tarot card size. So just know that there is a lot that is being offered here to these higher tiers, which is why they have limited availability because I only have limited time to take certain you know to take lions. So as you can tell, the ascending and enlightened Patreon tiers are the freakin coolest. With the extra podcast content, and the healings and the tarot readings, live question and answers, a discord community. collectible custom tarot cards and stickers, and monthly healing sessions live with me at a discounted rate. Hello. You can't get much better than that. But since this Patreon is new, and this is my first official announcement, it is really important that you sign up early before all the cool merch is sold out. And those limited spaces are taken my live sessions I only have 55 available slots for the 30 minute sessions. And I only have 11 slots available for the one hour sessions. So that's a total of only 66 slots available for those upper tiers where you can get a one on one discounted session with me. So that was my official announcement for my secret podcast, my Discord community and Patreon grand opening. I've been waiting well over six months to make this announcement. I've been working really, really hard to develop all of this and make sure that it was ready to go before I made the announcement. I'm really excited to finally make that announcement. I know I've been kind of talking about the Patreon but I didn't want to go into depth until I had everything really clear and really, really set up for you Now I love supporting your growth and development. That's what rainbows rising is all about. I hope that you enjoy supporting rainbows rising in its growth and development to your contributions, help pay for all the fees, web host, the platform, the equipment, the content creation, and it encourages me to continue offering my experience, expertise, and education of all these fields of interests. And not to mention that I have over 20 years of experience and expertise and education in these fields. And I've spent 20 years paying 1000s and 1000s of dollars out of pocket to attend schools and workshops and programs and mentorships. Having made so many mistakes along the way, and having to learn through trial and error. My goal is that I can help ya. My goal is that I can help make your ascension journey smoother and more enjoyable without the fear, expense, pain and uncertainty that I had to endure when I first started out. Hopefully it's also shorter, right? Hopefully you don't spend 20 years trying to hone your Empath abilities and psychic abilities. That's that's, you know, emotional regulation. I'm hoping we can get that figured out in much shorter than 20 years time. So thank you so much for your continued support. And for the conclusion of this broadcast. I will be offering a healing song. Obviously my cat would like to, to join us and sing along is that right? Yeah. Okay. She's gonna join us say hi to. Yeah, yeah, you're gonna stay on my shoulder this time. Yeah. Okay, well, I hope you enjoy. Thank you so much for for tuning into rainbows rising podcast where we ascent together. Have a good day. God I am cause yatta yatta yatta yatta yatta yatta Tasha yes she Maka. Go. Shadow Shadow