Rainbows Rising

Meet the Archangels - Learn about each of the Archangels and how they can help you

Rainbow Raaja Season 1 Episode 18

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Meet the Archangels and explore how each of them help you with your life journey.  Calling on Archangels or even your personal guardian angel gives you vital spiritual support during trials or when you are looking for a boost of confidence or skill in dreams, career or relationships.  Get to know what these powerful guides can do for you.

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Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raja, and I'm going to be talking more about the uses of angelic work for ascension, and how you can start to connect one on one with your angelic guides. Everybody has angels. We all are assigned an angel, a guardian angel, I'm sure that you have heard of that, or maybe not. But we all have a guardian angel. We all have a specific angel that we think of when we when we think of the word angel. There are also numerous different I guess, angelic teachers who teach angelic healing and angelic messages. I've taken an angel course. It was a super short workshop, but it was very rich and content. I am actually going to have the teacher of that course coming on the end of the month. Her name is Elyse Korn. I'm super excited to have her on to talk about healing with Sarah blades and her work with angels. But in her class, I learned that my Ark angel that was assigned to me when I was born for the day I was born, which was a Wednesday is Archangel Michael. And Michael is really important for protection. And even before I had this information, I always called on Archangel Michael, for protection. The reason being is he has a ginormous flaming sword. And he really is the power house is the kind of the leader of the Archangels. And he can pretty much swiftly take care of any kind of energy or negative entities that are not something you want to deal with. I have worked with Archangel Michael for cord cutting. I've worked with Archangel Michael, for protection against unknown or undesired entity interaction. He is always there and can always be called on you never have to worry about you know, being abandoned. Another Archangel that I have worked with is Ark, Angel, oz Rio. I've worked with him for helping any kind of spirit kind of pass over also for helping me through grieving, lost people in my life. And so so he is the gatekeeper between life and death he helps takes spirits back to where they belong. And that that is his main purpose. I know he's also really good at like helping pets Over the Rainbow Bridge. And as well as helping ease any kind of emotional suffering from a loss of a child or a parent. So he's really good with grief and helping with loss, a physical loss and ensuring that those souls make it to where they're meant to be. Archangel Azrael also is really really good at transforming anxiety and alleviating stressful situations, helping with addictions or depression or any kind of mental or emotional imbalances or dysfunctions. Archangel Uriel is is mostly called on when you feel lonely, or if you feel very overwhelmed. Archangel Uriel has also been connected with people who channel and is one of the easier spirits to help channel I help you with meditation or journeying, automatic writing those types of things. So you can call on Archangel Uriel, for any any kind of connecting back to your strength connecting back to your, to your divinity, a symbol that is commonly associated with Archangel Uriel is a bluejay or Bluebird, and that symbol will come through to let you know, hey, warning, something is about to happen. Bad things are coming, be prepared, then you can start calling on Archangel Michael to bring bring some protection and shielding for the events to come. Now, I actually have an experience with this particular symbol when I first started working with angels, and I was I was doing some meditations with Archangel Uriel. And sometimes, Raphael a little bit. And it was years ago, I had a spa. And things were going really, really kind of up and down with me because I just had a baby. And things were not really balanced just wasn't, it just wasn't balanced. And I had this beautiful home. And I remember taking a bath my Porcelain Tub. And I was I was asking the universe, like I was thanking the universe for all of the wonderful things in my life. But I was also kind of asking for, for guidance. And we had a whole bunch of blue jays out of our window long with deer and a whole bunch of other beautiful wildlife creatures bears at times. But on this particular day, I happen to see an energetic bluejay in my bathroom with me. And I'm not I'm not a stranger to seeing energy beings. So I was like, Oh, it's a blue jay, I love blue jays. So I'm sitting there talking to it, enjoying the experience. And had I known that it was a warning, it would have prepared me for the months to come. Because I mean, really shortly after that, my roommate just disappeared one day she took her family just she was just gone out of nowhere. It was very peculiar, unexpected. And it was on the first of the month when we needed rent. And that put me and my partner in a really precarious financial situation, which he then also just decided to up and leave randomly. And I was left with postpartum in a house that was over an hour away from my work and my family and any kind of support system. And it kind of dropped me into a really, really bad emotional place. And you know, I, I did, I had severe depression, when all of that hit the fan. And at the time, I I, I just kind of threw in the towel if you catch my drift. I'm not afraid to say it. But I'm trying to keep this a family friendly show. And after my visit to the hospital, things got better. But I can tell you that I wish I had noticed that that bluejay was a warning especially while I was working with all of those those angels. At the time, I just I would have called on Michael, I would have called on Raphael for some, some good stability and healing for my body and mind. So those are just some things to keep in mind when working with angels. They have these these messengers that will let you know what's going on there usually birds, for example, working with us real, you will notice that you might see more Dubs, and they are a sign of pieces coming and that, you know, your prayers are being answered right now. So, you know, keep in mind, keep in mind when you're working with these Archangels don't work with them all at once. Pick one depending on what you're needing in your life. If you're looking for healing your families, your friends, your relationships Archangel Honjo is the healer of family bonds and relationships. And when you work with Honeywell, you might see turtles, because turtles are his thing. But this is about working with connections with your family, working with your partner, your romantic connections, working with your children, and it's healing. It's healing communication barriers, it's healing any kind of disruptive, back and forth or bit, any kind of healing any kind of issues with abandonment, or abuse. And this will actually heal your line if you begin to work with him. And it is gentle, the healing process can be very, very gentle. And it it does open up this dialogue between you and your family, you and your partner, where you will start to feel heard and accepted. And that can be a huge game changer for anyone in a toxic relationship or with toxic family members. Archangel Gabriel is the great messenger. This is the archangel that is tasked with creativity and believing in yourself and helping you with your great ideas and helping them manifest. So this ark Angel usually will send messages in the forms of crows, ravens or lions. And most people already know that crows are kind of messengers from the other side anyway, so Archangel Gabriel just kind of coins off of that a little bit, I guess. So if you're having any kind of creative blocks or any kind of creative issues, calling on Archangel Gabriel will help you rebuild your connection with your with your passion. Archangel Gabriel will help you with reestablishing your connection with your creative juices help you utilize on simplicity, truth and the innocence that comes with creation. So, this is just all about getting back into what fuels your creative spirit. And Archangel Gabriel is great with that. Moving on, we have Archangel Arielle, the great Earth Mother. Now she is kind of seen as like a mother Gaia type. We have a lot of these same archetypes in different belief systems, different, different cultures. But Archangel Arielle emphasizes on our natural world and healing the natural world and helping helping the Earth really says, you know, reestablish balance. So, she has incredible restorative powers and kind of helps with, with balancing the cycles. The cycles of life and death of decay and growth of recognizing our impact on our environment is like really important that we as humans recognize that our environment, the earth, and the beings of Earth are all intrinsically tied to our existence. And as we move forward as a well as a species, we need to start taking more into account that we need to be more Earth conscious. So if you begin to work with Archangel Arielle, please call on her for for the strength and the determination to make the changes necessary to support our Earth and it's healing to support our Earth and its health and balance. And that that is a very, very important thing to focus on, especially moving forward. to ascend you also must recognize that we are connected to the earth we are born here whether you feel you're not or not. You are Here now whether you feel like you were born a fairy or an alien or Gosh, darn it, you just ended up in the wrong place. Doesn't matter you're here now. And if all the bees die and the crops go, so will you, so please take it upon yourself to connect with our Earth and you can do so through Archangel Arielle. Moving on, we have Archangel Metatron. Now, Archangel Metatron is a powerful initiator of change transformation, metamorphosis. He's also really connected with Alchemy and can kind of magic I find a lot of people who connect with Archangel Metatron have kind of this magic touch. And they find ways of manifesting things really easily and being able to just kind of shift their world with ease and move through transformations effortlessly and painlessly. Archangel Metatron is also associated with miraculous events and Spirit to spirit communication. So please connect with Archangel Metatron. If you're looking for magic and miracles, and transformation in your life, Ark Angel, I'm gonna totally butcher this name but Zack kill that kill is the divine guide of life paths and a sexuality. So we have as Archangel who really really helps with all forms of abuse and inner forgiveness and kind of works with everyone on helping them stay on their life path. Some people walk off their life path but if you call on Archangel Zadkiel you will be back on your life path. Um, so I actually have never worked with Archangels that guilt not once. But after reading all of my notes from years past I just might, I just might. So he is responsible for assistance in working through negative feelings and experiences helping you find a place of forgiveness for yourself and for others, healing abuse and any kind of issues in sexuality and in body acceptance. And also for helping you find the best job for your skill set. So if you're jobless call on Archangel Zadkiel Whoo, I didn't realize how many angels we had left to go. I just flipped the page and was like Wow, so many. Alright, we have Ark Angel. Yet jerem mele. Now we're getting into the the ones that are not so well known. Who is the divine deliverer of mercy and grace. So Archangel Jeremiah mele is pretty much here to help you connect with mercy, grace and justice. And if you're looking to get justice for something, if you have been in a troublesome situation and and you you are super invested in you need, you need the out. You want the out and you don't want to be consumed by this anymore. Call on Archangel jeremial As he will help give justice to the situation like karma. But in Angel form. Archangel jeremial is associated with large cats such as the cheetah and pumas and leopards and panthers and all those kinds of fun fun kitty cats. And he's really good about giving confidence to those who need to stand up for themselves, especially when it comes to feeling as if their integrity has been jeopardized. or their their name is being questioned their their honors being questioned. So call on this Archangel if you ever are in a lawsuit or any kind of bad situation. He is real good for that. Moving on to Ark Angel, Joe feel whole field Jophiel I have no idea that these are all the big US angels I like I said I don't specialize in angels, I think they're interesting. So we will learn together because I don't remember writing any of these things. Okay, we have the great giver of joy, great giver of joy. I mean, the name kind of says it, it is the angel of joy and positive feels. This angel also connects a lot with the symbol of a Heron and helps you a helps provide assistance in refocusing on positive experiences in your life and encouraging inner journeys for your soul. And helping you discover your your passions and helping you raise your vibration and inspire you to interact in the giving and receiving of unconditional love. So, all of that is very, very positive. I'm sure Ark Angel, Joe feel, homey feel, Joe feel whatever the pronunciation is, would be really greatly utilized when you are starting something fresh and new. Or when you're starting to get kind of burned out on something fresh and new that you just started. Probably also for new relationships, new relationships and friendships. The next we have Archangel rah heal Raheel Peacekeeper of synchronicity synchronicities. We have all kinds of synchronicities, harmony and balance. And this is in regards to our soul contracts. So it seems like this angel is mostly here to help us hold each other accountable and to bring ourselves back into balance with each other. Through the Akashic records it seems like a lot of the Ark angels, animal forms our mouse, groundhogs, skunk, Raccoon, all of the like kind of ground ground type animals for for balancing and and recalibrating things. So Archangel rock heal is also an integral for changes to your soul contracts, helping with teamwork and groups and helping with pretty much your your, your job and workplace as well as being the angel responsible for helping you explore the pretty much the Akashic records through meditation and visions or the Hall of Records, as some people might call it. Chum channel well, Shama Well, Archangel Shamu Well, the divine benefactor of unconditional love. This arc angel is all about unconditional love, and activates the green and pink light of the heart chakra and helps you fill your your life with love and light and wonderfulness. This angel connects best with the animal spirit rabbit. As rabbits are snuggling, and they focus on their homes and families and understand the extent of unconditional love of giving with nothing in return. This arc angel will help you rebalance your heart chakra and heal any emotional issues in regards to relationships with yourself or others. Archangel shamila is also Great for learning how to love and appreciate who you are and to work better with the other types of relationships in your life. Ark Angel Razia, you have the divine keeper of mysteries, gatekeeper of divine information. So Archangel Raziel governs the veil between heaven and earth, subconscious and dreams, and is the bestower of spirit spiritual gifts. Oh, well, thank you so much. And guess what? This This angel is associated with rainbows. Of course, I would write that because I'm like, Oh, this is important rainbows. So this ark angel is important when you are searching for answers about the mysteries of life and inner workings of the universe. They will help you with interpretation of your dreams and also connect with the higher energies of heaven through spiritual communication. This angel is the one that is mostly associated with white feathers falling from the sky out of nowhere, and would really, really help you with connecting with your gifts and your own inner mysteries. Archangels send dolphin, the divine nurturer this archangel is is the one that nurtures our souls with music and is responsible for communication between earth and heaven. Which includes prayers and Psychic Spirit communications or helping you connect to your emotions through the delivery of music so hearing music on the radio, your Does anybody use iPods anymore? I don't know. I have an iPod. I still use it through iPods. I know when a song that really touches me comes up on the iPod. I am super excited. I'm like my angels are speaking to me. And now I know who to thank. Thank you Archangel Sandalphon because I'm butchering all the names of all the angels that I have yet to work with. Well, this is just letting you guys know that I'm human just like you and that I have lots of work to do as well. So call on this Archangel when you need assistance with creating music with clarity with getting sleep or getting relaxation, working through anxiety connecting into a meditation and this Archangel essentially calms your soul and encourages clear communication with the heart to spirit. This Archangel also will help you with the Akashic records. Arc Ark Angel bar chill. This is the last one and I'm sure I butchered that name bout Barbara she'll the divine facilitator of miraculous occurrences. This Ark Angel boosts your confidence and morale and provides positive outlook despite any kind of issues happening on Earth. This this arc angel is also integral for facilitating miracles that would not normally appear ladybugs, dragonflies and hummingbirds are all symbolic animals to Archangel Bara shield and are meant to be bright happy reminders of Heaven letting you know that you are connected with your purpose and that miracles are happening for you right now. He will help you boost your morale and help you let go of circumstances from the past that are dragging you down. So that that is all of the archangels I personally have have notes on I know there are more than that. I have more notes somewhere else but those are the notes I was able to find for today's show. So I'm Now you know, all the Ark angels are at least the ones I have notes on, and what they do and why they are important. I recommend that if you wish to work with some Ark, angels, any Archangels that you take into consideration what it is that's going on in your life and what you're looking to get guidance and balance from at this time. So, for me, I have a great kind of business endeavor that's going on, I'm just really really jovial and happy about some new connections I've been making with, with some work partners, I'm just really blessed to have a home and have income, and to have all you lovely, lovely, lovely people listening to me today. So taking into consideration my circumstances of how great things really are, but, you know, my daughters are still having a little bit of trouble with being locked indoors all the time because of this pandemic. So I would probably call on Archangel Honeywell, to help my daughters feel more at peace in their, their bodies in the rhythms that have changed recently, I would probably also call on Archangel Metatron, to help me with some really, really huge changes that are happening for me in my life. And as well as Zadkiel for helping me with understanding my life paths, so that I don't waste my energy in places that it's not needed. And I'm just gonna think whole field or Joe feel, I don't know one of those, those names, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna thank that angel for the blessings of joy that are in my life, and just be grateful for all that I have. So those are the angels I would call on. And if you don't know how to call on angels, it's literally just just calling on them just saying, hey, angels, I'd like to work with you. Placing your hand over your heart, maybe lighting a candle, maybe find a picture online and print it up, or draw a picture of an angel. If you are inclined to do that. Working with angels is fairly easy. And the more you work with them, the more connected you will feel, you can actually get some crystals that will help you connect with the angels better. The most well known one is Angel light, or Celestite. As well as there is Sara fight. And those are the ones that I personally wrote recommend. Angel Aura Quartz is really good as well. It will help balance out your chakras, as well as help you communicate and connect with them. But Angel light and Celestite are the main crystals for communing with your spiritual team connecting with angels and hearing their messages more clearly. So yeah, that that was our show for today. You know where to reach me. Let me know how you liked today's episode, let me know. Just share, share your journey with me. I would love to hear where all of you are in your journey. If there's anything you'd like me to cover next month or in the future. If you have any questions about angels, leave them in my email. And I will answer them next show. Please, please ask me questions. I want to answer questions. And if I don't know the answers, I will go find them for you. Because that is my job. And I appreciate all of you guys. I appreciate all of you putting in the work, taking care of yourselves, making sure that your ascension journey goes smooth. Because we need it. We need it now. We need you doing your work. We need you being in your power. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you for doing that for yourself. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week. And I will see you next week. Bye Hey, it's me, Ray borracha thank you so much for listening to today's show. Did you ever notice I don't have any ads or promotional content. That's because I really want to make sure that I focus on the lessons, healing, and tips and these episodes without any distractions. While that also means I don't monetize at all. If you like the show, your support is the only form of payment I receive from producing this show. If you have a moment today, please show your support with writing a review. telling a friend about rainbows rising, making a donation, joining my Patreon or getting a private session with me. Thank you so much for the continued support and let's ascend together