Rainbows Rising

Twin Flames with Lyra Rae

February 24, 2021 Rainbow Raaja Season 2 Episode 7

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Can there possibly be a perfect relationship out there?  Does everyone get their happily ever after?  How do you even know if they are your twin flame?  Lyra Rae helps you understand the different spiritual relationships and shares her intimate experience with her own Twin Flame relationship.

If you are interested in connecting with Lyra Rae for her Twin Flame coaching or receiving a Light Language DNA Activation visit her sites below:


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🎶Music Credit:
Intro - Traveler by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com)
Outro - Sunlight by Onycs

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Rainbow Raaja  1:28  
Hello, hello, hello and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raaja and I am here with Lyra Rae today to talk about twin flames.

Lyra Rae  1:45  

Rainbow Raaja  1:46  
hello, thank you so much for being here, Lyra.

Lyra Rae  1:50  
Thanks for having me.

Rainbow Raaja
So I hear you have a really interesting twin flame story that you have, you know, got gotten the privilege of experiencing this twin flame experience that everyone craves to have.

Lyra Rae
Yeah, I wouldn't necessarily call it a privilege. It's definitely been quite the journey and my journey in particular is especially unique. Do you want me to tell you the whole story

Rainbow Raaja
Yeah, please please share your I mean if you want to you don't you know it's not required you have to share your story. But I know that twin flames is like a super hot topic right now. And I you know, if you don't want to go into your story, I would like to briefly talk about you know, the, this twin flame topic in general and and get your take on it as someone who has experienced the twin flame dynamic. And just kind of, you know, roll some questions by and see. So, yeah, chances are I am I ready for it.

Cool. So, um, I noticed that, you know, surfing the web, checking out all these other awakening individuals, everyone wants twin flame readings, everyone wants, you know, twin flame activations, and like light language transmissions, they want to be reconnected with their twin flames. And I've done quite a bit of research myself into it. And, you know, it seems like a lot of people are almost staying in unhealthy relationships in hopes that they are twin flame relationships. And I don't know if you're seeing that as well or not.

Lyra Rae
Yeah, well, the biggest thing that I'm noticing um, is that this twin flame journey, this even just the word twin flame is now the second buzzword and everybody wants that relationship and the the idea of what the twin flame relationship is has been so romanticized. And it just couldn't be farther from the fucking truth. And it's, it's not about finding your perfect match. It really, really is an intense journey that can take years and years and years and years. And you will experience the hardest heartbreak that you could ever have being on this planet. And it is the most soul shattering experience that I have ever experienced. And everybody that I've talked to that is in a real twin flame relationship dynamic, it has also been that way for them, because that is just part of the process, it is really there to completely break you. Like it will break you. And then you have to build yourself back up. And it is really a journey about coming back to yourself and releasing any and all codependency and attachment that you have to a romantic partner. And it is the hardest lesson that you will possibly ever learn.  And so I am seeing a lot of people who are not understanding that they don't know that that's really what this journey is about. You just think of your perfect soulmate. And you're going to have you get married and have a great life and everything's perfect. And that's just not how it is at all make it is very, very, very difficult. And a lot of people who think they're in a twin flame relationship, I think they've met their twin flame. It's actually not their twin flame at all. And there's also karmic partners, there's soulmates, and there's capitalists soulmates were like the catalyst soulmates can be confused for being a twin flame. Hmm.

I see. So what are the differences between all of those so people can better understand, like, you know, what they're getting themselves into, I guess, right?

Sure. So, um, in, in my own personal experience, because I have experienced all of his relationships, and the catalysts, soul mate seems to be the person who is usually not always but usually is a love interest. Who awakens you and that's the person that starts you on your spiritual path and your spiritual journey. And that might be the first soulmate that you are aware of, because they feel such a strong connection is verson. And they're showing you a whole new world that you never even knew existed before. So because of that, the connection is so strong. More so for the person who is going through the awakening experience. But really, that's pretty much aware of that relationship and is that person is just there to be your catalyst for your awakening. And it's not really supposed to go any further than that.

Okay, so for, you know, you said something about karmic partners, and then like, normal soulmates? And, like what make you know, how do you differentiate between all of all of these different types of relationships? And then how do you know when you actually are in a real twin flame relationship? Because I know you had said that a lot of people think they're in a real relationship with their twin flame are actually not so like, how can they tell because from what I can tell, there's a lot of information online that almost seems to give to like saying like, Oh, yeah, you're going to have this extremely toxic, you know, relationship dynamic. You got this runner and this chaser and you got you guys are gonna chase each other around, energetically and emotionally and you know, but I mean, I could also just be somebody not being interested, right?

Yeah. So just to clarify the other types really quick before we dive too deep into that twin flame relationship. So the karmic partners are the ones who are in your life to teach you lessons, and all different types of lessons. And karmic partners can also be soulmates as well. But not always. And, basically, these people you have had past lives with, and you have some sort of unfinished business with them that you have to finish or correct in this life. Otherwise, you guys are going to keep meeting up until you do. And so it's up to you to figure out exactly what that is it which can be super hard to decipher sometimes. But just as an example, let's say that if two people were married, and a past life, and one was very abusive towards the other, then, um, you know what I'm going to use my personal experience as an example. So I had a past life in Iceland, where my husband was a Viking. And he was very abusive towards me. And so we had a karmic contract, and this life to meet up and be in a relationship again, and he had to make it up to me. So this time, he was like, it just extremely nice to me. And he did everything that he could for me. And so that was able to clear our karma that we had. And so that is just one example of how karmic relationships can follow you into the next life. So usually, if you're in a relationship with someone and you're having a lot of issues are the one big issue in particular, and something that's very common is that the roles will be reversed in the next life. So if your partner is just there, they do one thing that annoys the shit out of you, and you can't stand that, well, maybe you were that person in the previous life. And you your lesson is patience, acceptance and understanding.

Rainbow Raaja
That makes so much sense.

Lyra Rae
Yeah, and then so the soulmate relationships are usually a very, very intense connection you guys meet in an interesting, weird synchronistic way. And those people are also there to teach you some of your very hard lessons. And soulmate relationships are kind of like, in my experience, usually ended up being like half good, half bad, like this not usually like an all like extremely toxic relationship, even though sometimes it can turn into that if you don't know when the lesson has been learned and when it is time to leave. Because that's one thing that will happen is if you don't understand when it is time to release a person when you've learned the lesson, when you guys have done everything that you can possibly do and you're still not on the same page and neither person wants to change, then that's usually the time where the relationship is added end and if you refuse to release the person from your life and move on then things are gonna start to become really, really difficult and can become very toxic. And that's kind of the universe's way of pushing you to your breaking point. So that you move forward with your life. 

Rainbow Raaja  15:18  
Hmm, I see. 

Lyra Rae  15:20  
Yeah, but um, and people have multiple soulmates in every lifetime. And I mean, if you've just think about if you think about how many lives that we all have lived, you know, like there's and how many people we've met in every single lifetime, we definitely have multiple soulmates, but we only have one twin flame. And that's the biggest difference is the twin flame is a soul that was split into two people and both incarnated here around the same time. And as I explained before, it's very hard journey to go through but it's something that you had to have chosen before you incarnated here to experience that and it's really all about soul growth and personal development and coming back to yourself being whole and complete within yourself releasing all codependency and not needing any other person because that is something that is so deeply programmed and ingrained into us is this this idea that we need another person to complete us and the twin flame relationship shows us that that is not the case and you have to be 100% completely comfortable and okay with being alone. This is like it breaks you down so much that you have to come to terms with being alone for the rest of your life. It's like the the energy that you have to be in like eat happy and knowing that and not holding any hope that you're going to find another person to be with it's like truly being happy by yourself for the rest of your life you never found anybody else ever again that's completely 100% okay with you; you have to get to that point like that is where Spirit wants you to get to in the twin flame journey.

It's like in order for you to unify with this you know it's like half of yourself you have to almost like recognize that you already are hold that you are already like one before you are kind of gifted the gift of being one right? Or is it like the ultimate manifestation where you're like I am one I am good with myself I love myself I need no one else and then suddenly you're like oh surprise. I didn't I wasn't expecting that.

Yeah, I mean, I think, um, I think people who are able to manifest their their twin flame relationship are aware that they have a twin flame already. And they kind of they call them into their reality with their energy like when they are an energetic match is when they will come together for the first time. And that first meeting is just so so insanely intense. And you know people always ask like "how do you know if you met your twin flame?" You will know there is there will be no doubt in your mind because the energy between you two is like nothing you have ever experienced with any other person on this planet. It really honestly feels like that there was a hole that you didn't even know was I knew before and when the person shows up but every twin flame relationship chip that I have seen goes the same way, which is, you come together. It's very intense. It's amazing. It's beautiful, it's perfect. You think you're going to be together forever. And then one person gets cold feet. And they run from the relationship. As you mentioned earlier, they call them like the runner and the chaser. So one person runs from the twin flame relationship, the other person is chasing their twin flame. And this is, this happens and every single twin flame relationship where one person just gets over overwhelmed with the intensity of it, and they feel like they're not ready. And then the other person is just completely just heartbroken and shattered into pieces. And, and then what happens?

Rainbow Raaja  21:14  
What would happen if you like, met your twin flame? And the first person was like, yeah, I'm not really ready for this, and they started running. And then you're like, oh, oh, no, they're running? Well, okay.  I'll let you figure yourself out. Good to see you. It's nice meeting ya. Yeah, I'll be over here whenever you want me to just not happen?

Lyra Rae  21:38  
Well, you're left with no other choice, because you can only chase that person for so long, until they will just completely had contact with you. Or something happens or you guys are not able to talk anymore. Like, it doesn't matter how much you try and chase them. You can not make them be ready. Yeah. And if you are chasing them, you're not ready either.

Yeah, plus, like, you know, usually when somebody is running, that's like, their, their physical way of saying no. And I'm an advocate for respecting people's boundaries and wish. I'm teasing, but at the same time, it's kind of a little true. Like, I hear all these people online, like, my twin flame is running, so I'm gonna chase them. And I'm like, growing up playing tag. Don't chase the poor guy. Leave him be.

Yeah, is I mean, it's hard. Because

so many emotions, I'm sure, right?

Yeah, so many emotions. And it's just like, the intensity of it. Like when you meet this person, and you feel whole and complete. And like, this is the person that you've been searching for waiting for your whole life? And then you finally meet them, it's like, how could they possibly not want to be around you anymore? How could they possibly want to run away, it's just, it's not something that's easily comprehendible. So of course, your natural reaction would be to try and figure out why that person is running. And if there's something that you can do to fix it, but there's not, it's just part of the process, there's absolutely nothing that you can do, you just have to let them go. And you have to, as hard as it is, you have to learn to be okay on your own and know that when the time is right, whenever that may be, because there is no telling how long it takes. For me it was four years, there really is no telling when the other person is going to be ready. But you just have to know that if it's meant to be, then they will come back. And in the meantime, you just you have to do the work on your own. Don't worry about their spiritual evolution, their growth, what they're doing. Just completely forget that they even exist and work on yourself. And what also what I've noticed is that it is also an imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies within yourself. So becoming whole and complete also means balancing those energies within yourself and being in line with your masculine and feminine energy so that you don't feel like you need an physical, masculine or feminine person outside of you. You see what I mean? So for me that was my turning point was when I had fully finally balanced my masculine and feminine energies within myself. And then, within days of that happening, I reconnected with my twin flame. And he had also done the work and balanced his energies as well. And as when it was the right time for us to come back together.

Wow, so nice. So, it sounds like you had like a long four years of questioning, you know, the dynamics in that. And I do want to kind of like, go back to this this concept of like, Are there any telltale signs that somebody might be in a toxic relationship or an unhealthy relationship? And think that they're in a twin flame relationship? Like, how do they know? And is there a way that they can know? Because like, I know, for me, I just, I'm reading through comments on some of these videos and, or I'm reading article comments. I'm just going through kind of the twin flame thing, just because it's so big, right? I want to understand it better. And it seems like, like just reading through, it's like, well, it seems like an abusive relationship. That seems like a lot of emotional abuse or psychological abuse. Like, why are people putting up with that? Why? Why are they just like, Oh, yeah, it's a twin flame. It's like totally okay, that I'm being abused. I'm just gonna take it because they're my forever and they're just working through their stuff right now. Like, I don't know how you feel about all that

No! Absolutely not. That's never okay is absolutely not okay. If they have shit that they need to work on, they need to work on that shit on their own. You are not to be a part of that. Absolutely not. If someone is still doing their Shadow Work, they need to figure that out before you guys can be together. Both of you guys need to figure out your shadow work separately on your own, become whole and complete within yourself, do everything that you need to do, and then you can come together.

Rainbow Raaja  27:28  
Yeah, that's great. So you said you're talking about Shadow Work, like I know what Shadow Work is, but our listeners might not what are like some really good practices that helped you and your twin flame on your own shadow work. So that our listeners, people out there can start applying that to their own journey. Maybe not just for twin flames, but for your spiritual journey, in general, because you have become like, a pretty notable, like DNA activator in the community. Been doing channeling and Mount Shasta retreats. And, like what has helped you get to this place where you were able to connect and reunite with your twin flame? Yeah,

Lyra Rae  28:19  
yeah. I mean, honestly, for two of those four years, two years solid, we had zero communication, we did not talk at all. And that's when I was, I became sure that he would just never be a part of my life again. And so honestly, I you, I mean, I was doing my shadow work on my own, and he was doing his own his own. And I only found out about his side of it when we reconnected and got back together. But I mean, Shadow Work is just such a broad range of things. 

It totally is. So if you were to pick like two or three of the most useful tools, the most useful practices that have helped you, you know, through those those moments of having to meet your demons head on, what what would those be and and is there any places or you know, any, any resources that you'd be able to share?

Yeah, sure. So meditation, biggest, biggest one.  Meditation so so so important. There is a meditation for everything. And meditation will teach you anything and everything and Just getting in the habit of trying to meditate every single day and just working on and learn different meditations, don't just do the same meditation every day. But learn a huge amount of different meditations because there are infinite, there are so many, and there's so much that you can train your mind and train your body and get out of those old programs, by meditating, and just changing your mindset and your perception. I mean, that's gonna help you get through a lot of those hard times, and big things that seem like they're impossible to get through. But I mean, meditation is huge. And also the one the other thing that I preach to people is non attachment. Get rid of your attachment. If you feel attachments to people, places, or things gotta go, absolutely gotta go.

But, I love my children.

that's a that's a good point. I'm glad you brought that up. Because, of course, you can love people, of course you can. But it's not to be attached to them, including their children. Because if you are taking on all of their problems and their negative energy and everything that upsets them, then you are hurting yourself. So you have to love them, but detach from them. If that makes sense.

Girl, my kids are attached my hip permanently. I'm choosing you know, because there are kids.  They kind of rely on me for food and basic necessities.

Well, yeah, and I mean, I'm not saying don't do that.

No, I'm just a teasing.

There's mostly like, emotional detachment. So if, if you have people in your life, and not just kids, family members, friends, if you have people in your life that are going through their own shit, their own hard times their own shadow work, it is very, very, very, very important to be able to still love them still hold space for them and for their healing, detach from them, so you are not absorbing what they're going through.

I know exactly what you mean, I just did that this evening with my eldest daughter, she threw, like the biggest fit, because it was bedtime. And she was screaming and punching and throwing things. And I just, I gave her a big hug. And I kissed her on the shoulder and I was like, it's okay. I love you. When you're ready, just take some deep breaths, and we'll brush your teeth and get you ready for bed and took her a couple minutes. I think she just had a really long day. You know, at school, it was the first day at school today. So I completely know because I didn't, you know, get triggered. I didn't get into this, like fit throwing, I just kind of was like, Well, I'm going to hold you because you're kind of throwing things that's dangerous. So I'm going to hold you I'm just gonna give you hugs and kisses. lets you know, I love you gonna keep you safe. But you got to calm down. It took a couple minutes. But, you know, normally I'd be like, you know, why are you acting like this? You know, but I myself have been practicing that non attachment, doing my grounding every day and my shields that I've been, you know, letting all your listeners know about. But yeah, I totally agree meditation and detachment are really helpful.

Yeah, and also also know, it's just gonna say, um, is the way that you were just describing that, to me made me think of the way that our spirit guides see us. So they obviously have learned to detach from us and our problems and let us have our own experiences and figure it out. And so that's that's just a much higher conscious way of thinking. Acting is to be able to detach from those people and situations and not take them on as your own. But also, not only people, but like I said faces and things as well. There are a lot of people who are very, very, very attached to places. I know a lot of people who just are drowning in I'm going to use LA as an example because...

it, I feel that I still have like super vivid, very physical tangible sensations to like locations in Santa Clarita, I've been clearing them out, but man alive, they hold strong, those those places you used to live those places you used to hang out and spend time in the really, really hold strong in your in your system, it's good, just to clear that out, do some cleansing.

And so like a lot of people feel they can't leave that place, even though they're not happy. And life is not what they want it to be in, they're struggling. And it's like they're going against the flow against the current because they're at a place. And they don't even realize that there is something so much better for them somewhere else, that their spirit guides are probably pushing them to go. But because they're so attached to this specific location, they can even think that there would be some way that's more in alignment with them that would make them so much happier. So detach from people faces, and then things I think, can be some of the hardest for people. Because things include not only personal items, stuff that you have in your house, but also alcohol, drugs of any kind weed included is substances are a strong attachment and a lot of people and use as a coping mechanism. If you are serious about advancing your consciousness and working through your shadows. Got to get rid of these attachments. 

Rainbow Raaja  37:37  
Yeah.  I definitely agree with that. I've noticed a lot of people. A lot of Westerners, I'll throw that in there. A lot of Westerners are like, Oh, yeah, I'm gonna go do some I was gonna take this and do that. And I'm like, that's neat. But like that stuff also doesn't necessarily mean the experience you're having is that you know, it like that stuff is hallucinogenic, for reasons. I think there's an extent of helpfulness. And then there's an extent of like, not so helpful. I didn't have to utilize any of those. To to get where I am. I know you you didn't. We talked about that one time. Like, you've always been very averse to it.

Lyra Rae  38:41  
Yeah, my body just never liked most of those things. 

Rainbow Raaja  38:47  
Yeah.  So I think that's that's something that your non attachment not just to objects and places and people but to behavioral patterns and codependency on anything other than yourself, right?  That all comes down to learning, learning to come home to yourself.

Lyra Rae  39:14  
Oh, and an important thing that I also wanted to throw out there about twin flames is really really really really important thing that a lot of people do not realize is not everybody is a twin flame. Not everybody has a twin flame. They are. I would say most people have a soulmate or multiple soulmates here, but the the actual twin flame group is a lot smaller people who have signed up for this experience. It is not as many people as everybody thinks it is.

Rainbow Raaja  39:59  
Ya and from, from the multiple people I've talked to who are currently in twin flame, relationships, a lot of them would say if, if they consciously knew what to expect going into this, they probably wouldn't have done it. Because it really is. I mean, I've heard from multiple people that it's, it's really a very emotionally, it's a huge roller coaster ride. And it kind of takes them to like, the deepest, darkest parts of their reality here, experience here. And then of course, you kind of get kind of a happily ever after, but it's like a constant. Working on yourself, it doesn't really end. 

Lyra Rae
Well I mean, that is just life on Earth, it never really ends.  We are always constantly working on ourselves.  We are always going to have to be learning lessons as long as we are here.  Which is something I've had a really hard time coming to terms with.  I keep thinking that my hard lessons are over but then I realize they are not.  And its never going to stop. The only thing is that you can get better at how to deal with these hard lessons when they come up. But honestly about the twin flame relationship, I have not met a single person other than myself and one other person I know that lives in Mt Shasta who has had a happy ending to their twin flame relationship yet. And so, I don't know if that's to say that most people never will.  But

Rainbow Raaja
That's what their next life is for, right?  The whole twin flame thing, from what I heard its kind of like a binary star system. Are you familiar with how those work? 

Lyra Rae
Go ahead and explain it.

Rainbow Raaja
So out in space, you have a single star solar system like ours.  You got all these planets spinning around the one star.  There's also binary star solar systems.  Where they kind of, its's two different stars that orbit around each other and then there's planets around that.  So they are at the center of their solar system.  With binary stars, they rotate around each other for millions of years sometimes, eventually something will bring them together and they'll join and become a supernova whatever explosion or they can join into one star.  That was the though, all these life times these souls kind of circle each other until they merge – or explode.

Lyra Rae
I'm not sure about that cause the way I got twin flames explained to me, when I was first learning about it.  Was that these people meet up in every single life time and always come together in every life time.  But I don't know if that's actually the case because there are many many many people that I am seeing who are going through their twin flame relationships and its been a lot of years, like some people its been 10 years and they are still not together yet.  So I don't know if they're ever going to be together or if there's are some lifetimes where they aren't going to be together. I'm thankful that me and my twin flame, we both did the work.  I think that's what it really comes down to is if you guys don't do the work individually.  Then probably not going to have a reunion and also its important to note that not worrying about what the other person's doing.  If they are doing their work, you do your work because you doing your work is also helping that person to do their work because remember you guys are the same soul.  

Rainbow Raaja

Lyra Rae
So if you are doing your work that person is most likely doing their work as well and then when you are finished and whole and complete within yourself, then that is when most likely when you guys will reconnect and come back together.  But I have not seen this happen yet, but like I said with most people it seems like it is taking a very very long time for people to really work through every single thing that they have.  And I will say, even when we reconnected we had stuff to work on together too.

Rainbow Raaja
Yea.  Well I heard that the twin flame thing is a life long commitment of continually helping each other come into yourself.  

Lyra Rae
Yea! And it is rewarding.  Don't get me wrong, its not all bad.  I am so incredibly insanely happy with my twin flame right now.  We are having a baby which is just amazing, beautiful and magical.

Rainbow Raaja

Lyra Rae
Which I had always held as a vision in my mind for us since we first met.  It really is a grave experience once you can get past the darkest hardest parts of it and it does take an insane amount of work on your part.  But it is rewarding even if you do not come into union with that person.  Because it is a very freeing feeling to not have to or want to rely on anybody else emotionally ever again.

Rainbow Raaja
Ah yea.  I'm still working on that not relying on anyone else.  Man, I sure do rely on my massage therapist.  I can tell you that.  "Everybody book an appointment with Rainbow Raaja" – I'm just kidding.  Joking aside, thank you so much for sharing all of your intimate wisdom of the twin flames, soulmates, and karmic relationships.  I know you've had a pretty interesting journey.  Maybe on future shows you would share more about your journey.  

Lyra Rae
Yea, well I can say if you guys want the full details on my whole story, then you guys can watch my YouTube Channel "Princess of Pleiades" and my series "Alien Experiences" actually explains my entire twin flame journey on it.

Rainbow Raaja
Awesome and I'll put that down in the description below.  Along with all of Lyra's social media links.  Before we close this out, was there any gift or healing or activation or meditation you would like to share with our listeners to help up their ascension game to help them get to the next level.

Lyra Rae
I think I'm actually going to go ahead and again direct everyone to my YouTube and my website, princessofpleiades.com because honestly pregnancy is just taking it out of me and I am way too exhausted to try channel any sort of energy right now.

Rainbow Raaja
I totally get it, as you can hear my voice is totaled as well.  So I don't blame you on that.  Maybe we'll have you on in the future for a transmission or a healing because your stuff is amazing.  It would be such an honor to have you come on and share your gift with everyone.

Lyra Rae
Thank you.  Yea, I would love to.  I have some light language activations and free healing stuff on my YouTube channel and website as well.  

Rainbow Raaja
Awesome. Well, I will put all of those in the description below.  Thank you Lyra so much, SO MUCH for coming in...  Well, not coming in cause its over the internet.  For being here, for sharing your wisdom and information and for taking time out of your super busy schedule.

Lyra Rae
Yea, thank you so much for having me.  And also look out on my website for my twin flame coaching course that is going to be coming up.

Rainbow Raaja
Oh we definitely will, won't we?  *cheers* Yea!  Alright well thank you so much and I hope that you have a good rest of your day everyone, remember Let's ascend Together.  Bye!

Lyra Rae