Rainbows Rising

Spring Cleaning - Pick 1 to 5 Reading on what needs clearing and an activation for new opportunities

Rainbow Raaja Season 2 Episode 12

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Spring is the perfect time for new beginnings, but you first have to do some clearing to make space for those new opportunities coming your way.  Pick a reading from 1 to 5 to understand what you should do right now to get your ducks in a row before opportunity comes knocking at your door.  You can skip to the chapter of your choice or listen all the way through.  Rainbow Raaja ends the show with an activation for opening you up to clearing what no longer serves you and to give you a boost to seize those new beginnings you yearn for.

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🎶Music Credit:
Intro/Outro - Traveler and Forest Walk by Alexander Nakarada

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Rainbow Raaja:

Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to rainbows rising where we ascend together. I'm your host, Rainbow Raaja. Welcome back. It has been a beautiful, beautiful holiday for me. I took the week off last week to celebrate Easter with my family. I hope you guys don't mind. And moving forward into this incredible season of spring. Birds are singing the baby bunnies are hopping. And you know what every spring season truly needs some spring cleaning. I know it's time for all of us to take a look at our house, our belongings, and do really recognize what we are using on a day to day basis. And what we're not. Spring Cleaning is more than just clearing old things from your house. It is about recognizing what things in your life best serve you more. And when I say things, we're talking material things, of course, but also what beliefs what habits, what people? What behaviors are most benefiting you? And what, what isn't? If you are doing things that are setting you back, if you are finding yourself in an unhealthy loop, what can you do this spring to break that loop? What can you do this spring right now to end those unhealthy habits to clear out that old wound to clear out what no longer serves you. So I know that every single month, I like to start with a reading. And I like to start with an activation to get us really excited about about the month ahead. And since we are beginning, pretty much a new year here with spring with with new opportunities coming to to you and some of you are seeing your careers take off or maybe you're making some new friends or meeting some new potential partners. Spring really is the beginning the beginning of this this bright, exciting new year. So let's take some time today and see what is in store for you. During during this season. What new opportunities are going to be coming to you what new lessons are going to be coming to you. Are there going to be in situations where you can apply new and interesting information? Should you consider taking classes? Well, let's find out Let's find out. So we're going to be doing five readings, five readings, they're going to be short. This time, they're going to be short, I'll do five readings. And I'm going to do one group activation and the activation. I'm going to be calling in my guides and my ancestors, as well as any guides or ancestors on your guys's end. And I'm going to ask that they facilitate new growth in your life. They facilitate new wisdom, new excitement. All right. So please pick a number between one and five right now. Pick a number between one and five. And if you're one of those people who are listening, you're just wandering about your life and you don't want to pick a number between one and five. That's totally okay. Just set your intention that you will be receiving whatever you need most for this month that this particular transmission will guide you and that you are going to get the information you need to better your life for this month. All right, so we are going to start with reading number one, reading number one. Now for all of those who chose number one you are about to receive a really incredible blessing, you're a natural healer, like you just are. You just you step into a room, you're that type of person that everybody just feels a shift. You know, sometimes it's not always so well received. But you have noticed that recently, you are getting more, more recognition, you're feeling a lot more comfortable in your own skin. And that is going to set you up for the wonderful new beginnings that you're about to get you are going to be coming into your power. And it is time to really clear out the emotional, the emotional baggage that you've been carrying. All of those past hurts or slights all the times people have forgotten about you, maybe they didn't receive you so well. It is time to sit quietly. and evaluate all of those things, you still carry all the regrets and all of the resentment and try and let go of those things. Imagine passing them into a river, passing them into the ocean, give them to water, you know, sit in your bath, cleanse it out of you cry it out of you sing it out of you dance it out of you. But you are going to have to do a little bit of emotional processing this month, in order to receive the new opportunities coming. Because you have been working so hard, so hard to create something for yourself, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You've been working hard at building this foundation, you've been trying to build your little, whether it be a business, whether it be an art project, whether it be whatever it is, whatever it is, you have been working hard at it, right now. You're in this weird in between phase between imagining it into being and allowing it to come into being. And so you've been imagining for so long, and there's this slight resistance, and it's just all that emotional baggage that you are currently carrying. It is time to let go of all of that. And allow this dream to come true for you to allow the manifestation to come to you to allow your creativity to flow and to allow this new project to finally come to birth. Okay, and your your message for how to make all this happen is that you have the secrets, and all the answers to all of your questions within your own heart. You need to go into a dark, quiet space, like your closet or put a bandana over your eyes. And breathe into your heart. Breathe into your heart. Breathe into your heart. Ask your heart the questions you truly want to want answers to and go with the first answer you get. Just just see what happens. Just see what answers you get. Write them down. Feel into them. Go with the first answer you get. You have all the answers. You're procrastinating a little bit for getting things done and that's okay. It's okay. It's a little scary starting something new. But guess what, you're going to be so successful you are a natural at this. You are You are magic. And you can do this. So go go into your heart space. recognize your strength. Recognize that you are wanting to do this for a pure intention. You want to do this because it makes you happy. So go ahead. Go ahead and do it. Work hard for it. Remember, you got to clear out all those past wounds and past hurts in order to have the clarity to move forward to have the clearness of of your emotions and your heart space and your mind to hear the answers that you seek. So please do the hard work of crying of dancing, singing of talking to yourself talking through all those scenarios and all those repeated whatever just Take the time and talk through it, cry it out, and then do that meditation where you're breathing into your heart, and you're asking yourself those questions, and you will get the answers you need. Okay? All right, reading number two, for all of those who chose number two out there. So what I see here is you have some kind of partnership, that is beginning. And you are, you're kind of in this extremely busy mind you have you, you just can't concentrate, you don't know what's up, you don't know what's down, maybe you're feeling really overwhelmed. And because of this mental state, you are experiencing a lot of illusions, personally inflicted illusions to your partnership with this person, to this situation that you are just now entering. So what you need to do is you need to begin to focus on your breath, you need to just really breathe every single day, all throughout the day, bring your attention back to your breath. And just be aware of your breath. You don't have to do anything with it. Just being with your breath. Each time your mind starts to wander, each time you have racing thoughts, or you are getting distracted in your work, you can't focus, bring your focus back to your breath for several minutes, just two to three minutes. You can do it while working. But close your eyes for just a moment. And breathe. Allow that breath to clear your mind to clear the racing emotions. That is where you need to begin to clear it this this spring, it is about clearing the clutter in your mind. You have too many thoughts too many ideas too much going on, you will not be able to focus and achieve your goals for the season. If you don't clear your mind, if you aren't more present in the moment. And so taking into consideration this new partnership, now a partnership doesn't have to be with another person. This could be a partnership, you know, just with yourself like a commitment that you're making. But your your partnership, whatever this agreement that you have with with yourself with another is that you're you're making it more complicated than it needs to be or the other person is you're you're butting heads because there's no flexibility, there is no no compromise. You both need to sit down, draw out some boundaries, you need to recognize what your roles are. And you need to be flexible with each other, you know, in in allowing the other person to do their job. You can't micromanage every little tiny thing if you're in a company. You have to allocate the the positions to others. And it's time that you let go of any fear you have about other people having control, give them specific tasks and let go. Now if this is a partnership, like a relationship, like this is your, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your hubby, your whatever, whatever it is. This is talking about being a little bit more understanding to your partner, and recognizing that you're projecting a lot of your insecurities, your your own frustrations with what you're capable of getting done on to your partner, and it's about clearing out that rigidity that you have and those expectations that you have towards your partner. So as we all know all these readings are for a bunch of different people. So just just take in the you know consideration Are you in a career position Are you in a personal position and draw the information from whatever resonates most with you. And the last kind of advice for moving forward through this partnership and how to make this work the best is to be vigilant. Recognize what effort you are putting in, you need to really take note of what other people are doing. You need to, you know, be aware, if other people are trying to cause you any harm, or maybe are speaking ill of you behind your back, or if your partner isn't, isn't pulling their weight, you need to make sure that everything that you need done gets done. Not you are really diligent and disciplined about getting those things done. Okay? Because, because if you're not living up to your own expectations, how can you hold other people responsible for their, you know, for those expectations as well. So be vigilant, be vigilant in in all the work that you do, and hold others accountable when they are not pulling their weight? Okay. All right, number three. So what I'm seeing here is that you are someone who you have this, this project on the horizon, or this idea or some goals that you want to achieve. But maybe you have too many focuses, you are very impulsive, you seem like to be extremely, extremely enthusiastic. But when when you keep switching your, your focus, each time you get a new idea, you won't be able to accomplish any of them. Because you're going to constantly be excited by something new and not finish what you started before. And right now, it is a really important time to finish old projects. That is how you're going to be clearing for this springtime is finish projects you started right now, go finish that painting that drawing, go finish that book you started, go finish, whatever, whatever it is, finish it up. End it, close it be done with it, you cannot start something new. Truly, without completing the old you just can't. Because that old will nag at you that last project that you never finished, it'll nag at the back of your mind. for however long it is it sits there, you will remember it from time to time. So take the time and finish it. It is time that you started being a lot more you know, you're a very flexible person, you just kind of like do whatever it is you feel like doing which is great. That's so super amazing. like to have the ability to just kind of go go with the flow is amazing. But now you're being called to be a little bit more structured. In where you're spending your time. set a schedule, get a routine and stick to it. You need to start completing these tasks. You need to commit, you need to commit to something at this point. The problem with being so impulsive and go with the flow is that you you never are able to solidify what it is you want from your life. If you're not committing. If you're not committing to a path if you're not committing to an idea or a mission. All you're doing is is kind of you know sprinkling yourself around. So you need that structure. You need the discipline and you need to be accountable. You need to hold yourself accountable for getting those tasks done. Go download an app that helps you with habits. There's so many out there. So many fun apps for like getting jobs done every single day, being really diligent about it. Okay. So at some some hard, hard, you know, the hard pill to swallow sometimes I'm so sorry. But you know, it is time it is time that you, you know, put your your left foot forward and you started being a little bit more structured in your approach to your dreams. You know, come up with a three year plan a five year plan, and, and have a plan, you know what I mean, have a plan. And the last message for you is to recognize that change is unavoidable. Whether or not you're impulsive, and you fly around, maybe you're somebody who likes to move a lot, or somebody who changes careers a lot, or somebody who likes to start lots of different projects and never really finished them. Whatever it is, change is unavoidable. voidable. It's just it's, you will constantly be evolving. But right now you need to decide who you want to evolve into. If you if you don't decide the universe will decide for you. Do you really want to put that kind of power into somebody else's hands? This is your life? What are you going to leave behind? What kind of legacy Are you going to leave behind? Who do you want to be remembered for? You know, that those are things that I think about? Like, what what am I here for? What do I want to be remembered for? So take some time, really evaluate who you were, who you're becoming who you want to be who you want to be come up with a plan for achieving those goals. No matter how absurd, you know how impossible your dreams are, they are not. They are possible. And you just have to make a plan and do it. You have so many whimsical, beautiful, amazing plans and ideas and dreams. Make them come true. Challenge yourself. Okay. I can see from the cards here that you're more than capable. You're You're so strong willed. You're grounded. And you're, you're always contemplating your next step. But I don't think that you you put a lot of structure or or time into the plan. And you just look at maybe the next step and maybe not several steps ahead. So just consider that. Consider consider thinking about that. Okay. All right. We are on to reading number four. Ooh, reading number four. All right. Ooh, number four. So you have Oh, wow, you you have something that's been lurking in the depths of your mind, in your soul. In your subconscious that's creating so much tension for you, you're so stressed about it and you keep pushing it back, you keep pushing it away. And it is really important right now that you are honest with yourself, you need to be totally yourself and know what it is you want. And if you don't know what it is you want. You need to start being honest about your emotions, and about the situation you are in. Because with this with this particular reading here I'm seeing that if you don't bring these things to the forefront, you're not able to clear these stressors and you know, the the the shadow elements here, maybe they are maybe they are qualities of yours. You don't want to acknowledge maybe they're qualities of another person you don't want to acknowledge maybe it is the truth of somebody else or a situation you're in that scares you when you look at it and you want to give excuses for you just want to run away from it and I really don't blame you. I know what that feels like. But this energy is destructive and chaotic and sneaky. And this will destroy what you've built. If you are not honest with yourself if you don't take a look at like the true nature of this situation. Like, what, what is it that you can bring to light. Because when you are able to bring things, uncomfortable things, into your awareness into the light, you have a chance of completely clearing them out of your life as well as healing those aspects of yourself and welcoming new energy into your life. Now this information, this, you know, hidden information, may be you may have to go take a class to figure it out, you may, you know, to find the actual solution to your problem, you might have to actually do some research, you might have to go, you know, pay to take a class, read some books, you know, do a little digging, or maybe in regards to the new things coming into your life, that's what you need to do, you need to go and learn, you need to expand your horizons, you need to really explore, explore all the knowledge that is out there. Because in your cards here, I'm seeing like, right now you need to become a scholar, you need to get excited about learning again. And with that new information, you're going to have a lot more power available to you. And you're somebody who likes power, I can see that here in your cards he got you got a lot of powerful symbolism, you have a shark, you have a dragon, you have a queen on a throne. These are all very powerful figures, symbolic figures. So it's important that you are taking the time to level yourself up intellectually. And to make sure that that you are constantly challenging yourself, academically, intellectually, physically, if you're in a hands on physical field, maybe you're a musician, you need to go, maybe expand what you know, like maybe you've never tried improvisational guitar, and you're your guitarist, you know, go go put some time into that. Maybe you've considered you know, adding a new instrument, go try it, put some time into it. Maybe in your your business, maybe you own a restaurant, you know, maybe you really don't know anything about marketing. Go read some books, there's some really incredible books on marketing out there. Super incredible books that will take your business to the next level, but you have to put in the effort. Okay. The very last kind of guidance that that you are here to receive is respect your boundaries. Respect your boundaries. Now, with that very first message of, of there's this dark secret, there's something lurking, causing tension. Whatever this this darkness, whatever the secret is, whatever this truth that you are uncomfortable with or feelings that you're uncomfortable with whatever they are. This is tied in with this card on boundaries, about recognizing what your boundaries are, there might be somebody in your life who is lying to you. And you're, you know, kind of aware but maybe you're not willing to accept that truth just yet. Do you really want somebody in your life line straight to your face, no matter how pretty they are, no matter? You know, no matter what you get from that interaction? Do you really want somebody like that in your life? Is that is that what you want for yourself? Is that what you deserve? Set your boundaries. demand better. You know, as I said, you're someone who likes to be powerful. But a ruler can only be as powerful as their borders. If your enemies can literally walk into town and seize your town, you're you've got you're not very powerful at all. All right. set boundaries. Be strong in your convictions. And don't give people you know, the the chance to walk all over. If you draw a line, that's your line, don't kind of smudge your line be like, Oh, it's okay. You know me, you know, maybe I'll I'll you know, no, no, no. Stand up for yourself. All right, It's time. It's time to stop letting people walk all over you, you're a very powerful person. I see that very clearly here. You're very powerful. You need, you need to own it. You need to own your power. Be honest with yourself, set your boundaries, and go learn more about things you have interest in. Don't let anyone get in your way. All right. For the last reading, we're going to go on into reading number five, reading number five. All right, number fives, you have a really powerful reading today. So there were actually two cards that fell out for what exactly it is that that you need to to work on to bring in this new new spring energy, this spring cleaning that needs to happen, right? The very first one is talking about how you are very resourceful, independent person. And that right now you're being asked to, to take a pilgrimage, to take an adventure to go out of your comfort zone. And re assess what what it is you know about yourself. You need to face the anger and the judgment that maybe others have had toward you that you've had towards others that you've had towards yourself. And on this journey, you need to just kind of quell the fires of anger and judgment and resentment and nurture, nurture your your kind heartedness because you're you're you can be in a really calm content person. You suppress a lot of that anger and a lot of that judgment and a lot of that frustration. And it's it's time that you took took that time to clear all of that out. And a good practices coming to mind for that is Ho'oponopono, I recommend you look that up if you're not familiar with it. Ho'oponopono. Okay. So Hawaiian gratitude practice that releases anger and frustration with others and with the self. And the second card that came up for four things you can do to clear the path for new things coming into your life is to connect with music. You have a really deep connection with music that you haven't really utilized. Maybe Maybe you've dabbled in music a little bit maybe. But right now you need to sing your heart out. Doesn't matter what you say in the lyrics. Just make the sounds seen from your heart. And if you're not comfortable doing that, go on your pilgrimage and do it somewhere deep in the forest where nobody can hear you and the only thing they can hear you are birds. Because right now fearless communication, fearless communication and being able to communicate your message to others is really important for your life path. You are at a pivotal fork in the road right now. You're afraid of opening up and expressing your truth expressing your magic expressing all that is you. You're staying in safety because of fear. You are afraid to expand your gifts your Afraid to expand and to share who you are, maybe, maybe it's not fear, maybe you're just really self conscious. You're like, oh, what are people gonna think of me? That's still fear. But, you know, you need to express yourself unfiltered right now. And connecting with song, maybe listening to music, finding songs that really speak to you. Help help send you a message of what it is you need to do. Sing your favorite songs out right now. Dance, write some poetry if you're into that right from the heart. Okay, because music and and a journey right now are what is going to help you get into alignment with seeking your destiny. That's the very last card here is it actually says seek your destiny, you're on the threshold of your, your divine mission, your divine path, whatever it is, you came here to do, you're, you're right there. You're right at the front door. But you're you're locked into, you know, into immobility because you're afraid. You're afraid of what other people think you're afraid, maybe you don't know what you're doing. Nobody knows what they're doing. We're all just making it up as we go. But nobody is going to be able to, to celebrate you too, to be healed through you to feel inspired by you. If they don't know you. If you don't put yourself out there, you're not vulnerable. You need to step through that terrifying door of the unknown, into your own power. and embrace it. Embrace yourself. You need to clear out the fear. That's what you're clearing out. You're clearing out the fear you're clearing out, you know, all of that inhibition of of worrying whether or not you're enough for worrying about whether or not you have something important to say you do. You do. Get out there and share your message today. Right. So try your best to go on a walk, go on a pilgrimage, if you can go to a sacred place. Go somewhere that really helps you feel connected to your yourself the highest and best version of yourself. Sing or hum or listen to music or dance, connect through music, because music lifts our soul lifts our spirit. Music transports our energy into this higher plane. It gives you the opportunity to see what is possible. Use music as a means to recognize how powerful you really are. Okay, so that those were our five readings. Those were five readings for spring cleaning of the soul of the home of our businesses and our lives. We all have baggage we all have, you know, all kinds of weird knickknacks and trinkets that we carry from home Daum and situation to situation. Go through your stuff and dump


dump it,

Rainbow Raaja:

get rid of it. You don't need it. You are better than the junk you collect. It's so much easier to get things done when you're not burdened by the clutter. clutter. fogs is your mind. fogs is your focus. Have you ever been in a room that had so much junk You didn't even know like, where to start or what to do. You just couldn't focus because there was just too much stuff around you. Like that even with our emotions and our thoughts. So clear it out. Do the work you guys. You guys are doing so amazing. I'm sure you guys are doing the work now. Just keep at it. so rewarding. All right, so let's go ahead and give you your activation for new beginnings. This is going to open you up to releasing all the things that no longer serve you. I'm calling in all of our guides of light calling in all of our ancestors and I am setting the intention that you receive what is your highest and best good just be open to receiving. Ah Thank you guys so much for being open to that transmission. Thank you so much for you know, checking in every week and listening in. It means so much to me. And I am really, really excited to to see what you guys are able to do this week. And I want you guys to know that next week. We're going to be talking a little bit about materialism in spirituality and what? What materialism has done to spiritual practices of the New Age practitioner. And the following week, I will actually be giving you specific tools to clear physical things out of your life. So please look forward to that next week and the following week. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for tuning in today. I appreciate it. I'm so excited to be able to ascend together with you. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you guys next week. Have a good one. Bye.